Jerusalem Post: Midterms coming up, Jewish organizations working to 'get out of the vote'

By Omri Nahmias, Jerusalem Post

WASHINGTON – With the midterm elections just six weeks away, Jewish organizations are intensifying their efforts to get out the vote.

Republic Jewish Coalition

On Wednesday, the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) Victory Fund announced a significant $450,000 independent expenditure, releasing TV ads targeting Democrat incumbent Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA-08).

“All the polls suggest that the race is pretty much a dead heat, so it’s going to be one of those majority-making districts,” said Sam Markstein, RJC national political director.

Last month, the group announced it had spent $750,000 in the neighboring county, PA-07, where two Jewish candidates, Republican Lisa Scheller and incumbent Democrat Susan Wild, are running against each other.

“We are spending just over $2 million in independent expenditures and programming events around the country,” Markstein said.

Aside from placing significant TV ads across swing districts, the group also hosted several grassroots “get out the vote” events in the key battleground states.

“We did an event with [Sen. Marco] Rubio in Florida,” Markstein said. “We did an event with [Republican senatorial nominee Mehmet] Oz in Pennsylvania, and with [Republican senatorial nominee Herschel] Walker in Georgia.”

Additional plans include events in Texas, Nevada and Georgia for gubernatorial and Senate races, he said, adding: “We are doing a lot of in-person door-to-door, in-person events that I think will make a big difference in November.”

The group’s messaging this election is focused on inflation, crime and immigration, Markstein said.

“Folks, when they see these messages, they’ll understand because they feel it every day, whether it’s in their wallet or in their backyard or at the grocery store or at the gas station or every place else they go,” he said. “They see it every day, so I think the messages will resonate.”


Jewish Democratic Council of America

On the other side of the aisle, meanwhile, the Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) is prioritizing several Senate seats... (Click here to continue.)


This article appeared on the Jerusalem Post web site on September 28, 2022.