RJC Releases Preview of "Buyer's Remorse" Ad
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
By: RJC Press Office
RJC Releases Preview of "Buyer's Remorse" Ad
Ad series to showcase former Obama voters telling their personal stories
July 25, 2012…In a preview of the Republican Jewish Coalition's upcoming multi-million dollar effort to reach out to Jewish voters, entitled "My Buyer's Remorse", the organization today released "Michael," the first ad in the series.
The ads highlight the real stories of real people who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 but, because of his failed economic policies and their concern about his handling of the U.S.-Israel relationship, will not be voting for Obama in 2012.
"These folks, in telling their own stories, give voice to the nagging doubts that many in the Jewish community feel about Obama," said RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks.
The preview of the first ad can be seen on the homepage of the RJC's new web site at and on YouTube.
Fed up with Democrats’ shakedowns
Monday, July 23, 2012
By: Noah Silverman, RJC Congressional Affairs Director
The upshot of this week's political developments is clear: President Obama's ideology and the way he talks about it are becoming a real problem for his reelection campaign.
By now, everyone who pays attention to politics has heard about the President's controversial remarks last Friday After touting his proposal to hike taxes on small businesses and wealthy individuals, the President observed (at the 33:32 mark):
You know, there are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me, because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t—look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something—there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business—you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.
Many commentators have noted that these remarks hew closely to the argument offered by Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren in a remarks that were widely circulated on the Internet.
But Obama’s tone may have been even more dismissive of business owners concerns, which leads to what Washington Post political reporter Aaron Blake calls "Obama's 'You didn’t build that' problem."
Obama’s team argues that he is pushing for an increase in government funding for programs that are broadly popular.... But the bluntness of his “you didn’t build that” quote is going to obscure those details. After all, Obama was basically addressing business owners directly in an adversarial way. (emphasis added)
John Kass vividly recalls the “government men coming from City Hall” to collect tribute from his father and uncle as they struggled to build their small business - a neighborhood supermarket:
They wanted steaks.
We didn't eat red steaks at home or yellow bananas. We took home the brown bananas and the brown steaks because we couldn't sell them. But the government men liked the big, red steaks, the fat rib-eyes two to a shrink-wrapped package. You could put 20 or so in a shopping bag.
"Thanks, Greek," they'd say.
That was government.
Many Americans have similar impressions - of government more as an impediment to the fulfillment of their ambitions than a help. Many more worry that an expanding government will tip the scales in the wrong direction by saddling taxpayers with ever-higher taxes to pay for ever-growing social programs and debt service and squelching innovation with burdensome regulation.
Obama’s off-the-cuff encomium to the indispensability of government to our fulfillment only begs the questions that are weighing on these Americans' minds.
- Based on what are we to sustain any confidence that a government that squandered the 2009 Stimulus will do better if it sets out on another binge?
- When so many state governments are staggering under the burden of past promises come due, why does the federal government seem more interested in bailing out the most imprudent of them than in addressing its own underfunded promises?
- What limiting principle prevents this rationale from becoming a justification for unending government power and money grabs? If there is none, it’s no exaggeration to say that accepting this argument would leave our traditional notions of property rights and limited government entirely hollowed out.
Liberals like President Obama may have a tough time understanding where Americans who have such concerns are coming from. They’re used to feeling frustrated that government isn’t growing faster.
Their exasperation is evident in the current spasm of saber-rattling over how to deal with the scheduled expiration of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. Democrat Senators can’t contain their bewilderment at colleagues - and voters - who would deny them the proceeds from soaking ‘the rich,’ which they see as a politically easy windfall to collect.
Seemingly, their ideological tunnel-vision makes it impossible for them to look at it from the perspective of people like John Kass’s father. If they could, perhaps they’d understand how outrageous it sounds to struggling small business owners when "government men" insist that Americans who produce tax revenue are "doing fine" and it's those who consume revenue who are bearing the brunt of the weakest economic recovery in living memory.
They’d see Democrats whose actions bespeak a dogged determination to "take care of their own," an attitude that makes Democrat politicians' habit of citing true public goods like public safety and roads appear revoltingly cynical.
The Americans whose concerns the President so brusquely belittled hear the indifference and contempt in his words loud and clear. They see through the liberal Democrat shakedown style of politics.
And that's why this has been a bad week for President Obama.
RJC extends condolences to victims of the Bulgarian bus bombing and their families
Thursday, July 19, 2012
By: Shari Hillman, RJC Communications Director
The attack against Israeli tourists boarding a tour bus in Bulgaria has horrified our community and the world.
The RJC extends its sympathies to the victims of bombing, and to their families.
We join with Israel and Jewish communities around the world in condemning this act of terrorism and calling for those responsible to be brought to justice.
Political speech at synagogue requires balance
Friday, July 13, 2012
By: Shari Hillman, RJC Communications Director
**Update** Rabbi Lance Sussman told JTA that that Keneseth Israel is committed to having an event with a prominent Republican speaker in the near future. He has been in touch with the RJC to move that program forward. We look forward to working with him to provide some balance in a future program.
Democratic National Committee Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz is scheduled to speak Monday night at Keneseth Israel, a large Reform synagogue in a suburb of Philadelphia. The announcement on the synagogue's web site says that DWS and local Democratic elected officials will speak, "in support of President Obama and his relationship to the Jewish community and the State of Israel." Oh, and, "Representatives of Governor Romney are being asked to speak at a later date (tba)."
Now look at the official invitation to the event:
It shows that the event is sponsored by "Jewish Americans for Obama" and "Organizing for America-Pennsylvania" – in other words, the Obama reelection campaign. The event is clearly a campaign rally.
To be fair, Keneseth Israel has expressed openness to working with the Republican Jewish Coalition to bring in a Republican speaker in the future. And the synagogue's announcement does say that Romney representatives "are being asked to speak" – but not, "have been asked to speak." That would imply that the synagogue has good intentions, but hasn't yet laid the groundwork to provide the balance that a Jewish non-profit organization should.
It would benefit Keneseth Israel and other synagogues to take concrete steps to ensure balanced programming in advance of any announcements.
Everyone knows that the Jewish vote is up for grabs in this election and that Republicans have the opportunity to make real inroads in the Jewish community this year. When a Jewish synagogue or non-profit hosts a one-sided event like Keneseth Israel's, without showing real effort to provide a comparable opportunity to the other party, it's wrong. It opens the synagogue or organization up to severe and justified criticism for engaging in campaign-related activities that could cost them their non-profit status. We'd rather those groups opened their doors to Republican speakers, so that the community can hear from both sides of the aisle. We're not looking to silence anyone; we're looking for balance and the opportunity to be heard.
Dershowitz Insists: National Jewish Democratic Council doesn't speak for me on Adelson
Monday, July 09, 2012
By: Shari Hillman, RJC Communications Director
Alan Dershowitz has written a devastating criticism of the NJDC's recent scurrilous attacks on Sheldon Adelson. His defense of Adelson is spot on:
David Harris, the President of the National Jewish Democratic Council, has asked Jewish Democrats to sign a petition demanding that Mitt Romney and the rest of the Republican Party stop taking campaign contributions from Sheldon Adelson, and return those already received. They claim his money is "tainted." This absurd allegation comes from a highly questionable, if not totally discredited, source -- namely a former employee who was fired and is suing Adelson. He claims that Adelson approved of prostitution in his Macau casinos. Harris has apparently credited this claim even though no evidence has been submitted to support it and no finding has been made by any court. Has he never heard of "due process" or the "presumption of innocence?"
I know Sheldon Adelson and I have worked with him on several matters relating to Israel and the Jewish community. I have spoken on behalf of the wonderful school he has built in Las Vegas. And have had the pleasure of teaching one of the brilliant graduates of that school. Adelson was deeply involved in the creation of the Birthright Israel Program, which has had extraordinary success in exposing young Jews to Israel. It's hard to find anyone who has done as much for the Jewish community as Sheldon Adelson. Adelson grew up in Boston in near poverty and is a shining example of the American dream. He is a self-made multi-billionaire who has contributed significantly to the world of modern technology and to the economic growth of Las Vegas and other areas. His generosity has helped repair the world.
I am a Democrat and do not agree with many of Adelson's political views, but I think it's outrageous for the National Jewish Democratic Council to level unfounded allegations against Adelson. They do not speak for me, and for the many other Jews who admire Adelson's contributions to the world, to America, to Israel and to the Jewish community. I don't know who Harris purports to speak for as President of the National Jewish Democratic Council, but his partisan gamesmanship is an embarrassment to many Jewish Democrats. The attack comes with particular ill grace from a Jewish organization, considering all that Adelson has done for Jewish causes, and considering the fact that there is nothing uniquely "Jewish" about the questionable allegations against him.
Read the whole thing.
Update: Abe Foxman has also weighed in.
RJC Applauds Gov. Romney’s Decision to Visit Israel
Monday, July 02, 2012
By: RJC Press Office
July 2, 2012... The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) applauds Gov. Mitt Romney’s decision to visit Israel this summer and meet with Israeli leaders.
RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks said, “Having hosted Gov. Romney on a previous visit to Israel in 2007, the RJC knows firsthand how strong his commitment is to the Jewish homeland and we are thrilled that he will reinforce that commitment at this important time.”
Gov. Romney has visited Israel three times in the past. At the RJC’s Republican Presidential Candidates Forum in December 2011, Gov. Romney promised to travel to Israel on his first foreign trip as President. He said, “I will reaffirm as a vital national interest Israel’s existence as a Jewish state. I want the world to know that the bonds between Israel and the United States are unshakable.”
This upcoming visit to Israel illustrates once again the stark difference between Gov. Romney and Pres. Obama, who has yet to visit Israel during his term in office, despite having visited a number of nearby nations not friendly to Israel, including Turkey, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia.
RJC Announces Voter Registration Drive, Absentee Ballot Program, and Advocacy Initiative in Israel
To Help American Citizens in Israel Exercise Their Right to Vote in the U.S. Election
Washington, D.C. (July 2, 2012) -- The Republican Jewish Coalition announced today that RJC Board of Directors member and former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer and RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks will travel to Israel the week of July 9-13 to engage with American citizens living in Israel as part of a voter registration drive, absentee ballot program, and advocacy initiative.
This effort will be comprehensive in scope and will include media events, town hall meetings with U.S. citizens living abroad, and meetings with leading bloggers and social media activists on Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms who are expert in communicating directly with potential voters.
The RJC is very excited about this first-time project. The RJC is supporting the efforts of iVoteIsrael ( and Republicans Abroad Israel (
RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks said, "With so many critical issues before us and so much at stake, it is important that every American citizen participate in this election. Americans living abroad are deeply concerned about America's growing debt burden, about jobs and health care, and about foreign policy issues that affect America's international standing. We're very excited to help Americans living in Israel to exercise their right to vote in the U.S. election this year."
According to recent estimates, there are approximately 150,000 Americans living in Israel who are eligible to vote in the November presidential election. A significant percentage of these voters are registered in the battleground states of Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. The number of Americans from these battleground states might be enough to tip the scales in 2012.
"I'm proud to be part of this advocacy initiative," said Fleischer. "As Republicans, we have a point of view to share with the American community in Israel and I look forward to sharing it. It's a long flight, but when you think about Israel being home to 150,000 American voters, it's also the equivalent of visiting Dayton, Ohio or Ft. Lauderdale, FL to get out the message. In this election, every vote is going to be important."
RJC Mourns Passing of Yitzhak Shamir
Sunday, July 01, 2012
By: RJC Press Release
Washington, D.C. (July 1, 2012) -- The Republican Jewish Coalition mourns the passing of former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir.
RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks said:
Yitzhak Shamir devoted his life to Israel and the Jewish people. He was a man of great integrity and strong principle, respected even by his opponents for his unyielding commitment to the security and welfare of the Jewish people and the Jewish State. One of his most notable achievements as prime minister was the absorption of over 1 million Soviet Jews and 60,000 Ethiopian Jews into Israel. During the Gulf War, he maintained a policy of remarkable restraint, withholding Israeli retaliation against missile attacks from Iraq. His focus was always on Israel's safety and growth, and the Jewish people's eternal bond with the Land of Israel.
May his family and friends be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. May his memory be for a blessing.
RJC Responds to Obamacare ruling by Supreme Court
Thursday, June 28, 2012
By: RJC Press Office
Washington, D.C. (June 28, 2012) -- The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) is deeply disappointed by the Supreme Court's decision on Obamacare, Florida v. United States Department of Health and Human Services.
RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks said, "The Supreme Court has rendered judgement on the constitutionality of Obamacare. It remains up to Congress and the American people to judge whether it is good policy. The serious negative effects this law will have on the economy, on jobs, on medical research and development, and on the quality of health care in America, are very troubling. The American people will have the opportunity to express their opinion on the wisdom of Obamacare in this election year."
Romney would make U.S.-Israel ties stronger, warmer
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
By: Matt Brooks, RJC Executive Director
When Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney told the passionately pro-Israel members of the Faith and Freedom Coalition that he would “do the opposite” of the things President Obama has done regarding Israel, the room erupted in applause. They understood exactly what he meant, because they know that the Obama administration has not strengthened the U.S.-Israel relationship; President Obama has brought that strategic alliance to its lowest point in decades.
Let’s review a little history.
President Obama began his presidency with a Middle East outreach tour that excluded Israel and had as its high point his major speech in Cairo. President Obama told the Muslim world that Israel’s creation was the result of the tragedy in Europe (meaning the Holocaust), echoing the Muslim language that delegitimizes the Jewish state as a European implant in the region. He also said that Israeli settlements were illegitimate.
The President followed that up with a sustained public attack on Israeli settlement policy that was much harsher than we’d seen since the days of Jimmy Carter. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that even “natural growth” should not be permitted within Israeli towns beyond the Green Line, even in areas within or just outside of Jerusalem. The 2004 Bush-Sharon letter said that certain areas outside the 1949 armistice lines should become part of Israel in a future negotiated settlement because of “new realities on the ground, including already existing major Israeli population centers.” The Obama administration rejected the plain meaning of that letter.
When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to an unprecedented 10-month freeze on settlement construction, the Obama administration put no pressure on the Palestinians to respond and they never came to the negotiating table during that time. At the end of the 10 months, the Palestinians insisted that the freeze continue before they would join in negotiations, and the Obama administration fully backed their demand, without making any demands on the Palestinians or holding them accountable for things they had already committed to do.
In March of 2010, a routine Israeli government announcement of one step in the planning process for new homes in a Jerusalem neighborhood was made while Vice President Biden was visiting Jerusalem. It was an indelicate slip-up, given the Obama administration’s stance on settlements. In response, the Obama administration went full-bore in condemning Israel in the strongest diplomatic terms possible. Secretary of State Clinton read the riot act to the Prime Minister in a scathing, 45-minute phone call made public by her office. David Axelrod went on the weekend talk shows to call the announcement an “insult.” That heated condemnation of Israel came as Palestinians were working toward a reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas. The Obama administration said nothing about that, saving all their venom and vitriol for Israel.
In the spring of 2011, President Obama made a speech that blindsided Prime Minister Netanyahu just hours before he arrived in this country for another summit meeting. The President fundamentally changed U.S. policy by saying, “The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps.” By setting the armistice lines as the baseline for negotiations and implying that both Israel and the Palestinians would have to “swap” land tit-for-tat, President Obama made the Palestinians’ intransigent, revisionist position into U.S. policy. Even leading Democrats in Congress protested the President’s words.
At the United Nations, where the U.S. has long defended Israel, the Obama administration has sharply criticized Israel to the international community. When the Security Council has considered anti-Israel resolutions, President Obama has often refused to defend Israel during the debate. When he has ordered a U.S. veto, his UN ambassador has used it as an opportunity to publicly criticize Israeli settlement policy in the sharpest of terms.
In the first three years of his term, President Obama inserted plenty of “daylight” between the U.S. and Israel. Only recently, when the President’s Jewish support began eroding dramatically in the polls, has the administration backed away from its cold, often belligerent treatment of Israel. The military assistance and cooperation, the diplomatic words, and the other things that President Obama’s publicists are now touting, are the very least that one would expect from an American President, given that the American people and Congress are such unwavering, staunch supporters of a strong Israel and a strong U.S.-Israel alliance. It’s when the words really count and when the time for action comes that the Obama administration has been woefully lacking a pro-Israel record.
Mitt Romney’s record would be just the opposite; pro-Israel and based on a real commitment to a strong U.S.-Israel alliance.