RJC Supports Antisemitism Awareness Act
Washington, DC -- Republican Jewish Coalition National Chairman Senator Norm Coleman and CEO Matt Brooks released a statement in support of the Antisemitism Awareness Act introduced yesterday by Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY).
RJC Statement on Israel-Hamas Ceasefire
Washington, DC (January 15, 2025) - The Republican Jewish Coalition cautiously welcomes news that a ceasefire agreement has been reached between Israel and Hamas that will bring the release of hostages. It has been 466 days of hell for the hostages and their families and 466 days of a terrible war. We hope Hamas will release all of the hostages swiftly and without delay.
RJC Congratulates Speaker Mike Johnson
Washington, DC - The Republican Jewish Coalition congratulates House Speaker Mike Johnson on being elected to continue leading the House of Representatives. RJC National Chairman Senator Norm Coleman and CEO Matt Brooks said:
RJC Endorses Randy Fine for Congress in FL-06
Washington, DC - The Republican Jewish Coalition released the following statement endorsing State Senator Randy Fine for Congress in the special election for Florida’s 6th Congressional district. RJC National Chairman Senator Norm Coleman and CEO Matt Brooks said:
2024 Jewish Vote Analysis - WPAI Intelligence Report
WPAI Intelligence provided the RJC with a comprehensive analysis of the Jewish vote in the 2024 election. Drawing from the most reliable exit polling, city and county data, and precinct data, they showed the strong movement of Jewish voters to the Republican Party.
WPAI stated:
This cycle saw a further gap develop between disengaged and secular people of Jewish ancestry, and those actively engaged with the Jewish religion, with the non-practicing voting overwhelmingly for Harris and the most religious voting almost entirely for Trump. But even many ethnically proud but secular Jews are beginning to look right as well.
Looking at Jewish neighborhoods and towns, the trends are stark and unmistakable. And because Judaism is in some ways a communal religion, and observant Judaism requires localized infrastructure, Jews who live in Jewish areas tend to be more religious and engaged. And in these neighborhoods, we see large shifts towards Trump.
WPAI analysts concluded:
Overall, the results are clear. From the highest quality polling to the most granular of neighborhood analysis, it is apparent that Trump gained in overall Jewish support, even against a headwind of a realignment that traded heavily-Jewish socioeconomic and educational demographics for far less Jewish ones. His overall support among Jews was likely the highest in 36 years.
Furthermore, his increases in support was broad and diverse, both geographically and ethnically, but came especially among those who live the most Jewish lives and reside in the most Jewish communities.
The trend is apparent from Trump's near-unanimous support among Hasidic and Yeshivish Jews; to his rapid consolidation of the Modern Orthodox vote; to incremental gains even in more liberal Jewish areas such as Oak Park and Upper Manhattan. And so too is it diverse ethnically and geographically, occurring coast to coast and overrepresenting Persian and ex-Soviet Jewish communities.
Though Jews still often live in blue areas, their neighborhoods and communities are increasingly a major share of the red islands in blue seas.
In this election, we have seen how Jewish values vote, and increasingly, they vote red.
RJC Condemns Anti-Israel Democrats, Applauds Senate Republicans for Standing with Israel
Washington, DC - The Republican Jewish Coalition released the following statement condemning 18 anti-Israel Democrats in the US Senate for voting in favor of an arms embargo against Israel. RJC CEO Matt Brooks said:
Required Reading: 'Who Won the Jewish Vote?' By Armin Rosen for Tablet Magazine
Washington, DC – The Republican Jewish Coalition released the following statement highlighting Armin Rosen's must-read article in Tablet Magazine, which delves deeply into 2024 Jewish vote numbers, clearly showing a surge of support for President Donald J. Trump.
RJC Enthusiastically Congratulates Senate Majority Leader John Thune
Washington, DC - The Republican Jewish Coalition congratulates the US Senate's new Majority Leader, Senator John Thune. RJC National Chairman Senator Norm Coleman and CEO Matt Brooks said: