RJC Applauds GOP-Led House Passage of Bill to End Biden’s Israel Embargo, Condemns Spineless Democrats

Washington, DC – Republican Jewish Coalition National Chairman Senator Norm Coleman and CEO Matt Brooks released the following statement after the House of Representatives passed H.R. 8369 - the Israel Security Assistance Support Act:

Today, Republicans in the House of Representatives, led by Speaker Mike Johnson, moved to hold the Biden administration accountable for its indefensible betrayal of Israel.

RJC is proud to have strongly supported the Israel Security Assistance Support Act, which guarantees the delivery of the defense items promised to the Jewish state just a few weeks ago in the foreign aid supplemental.

Meanwhile, spineless House Democrats shamefully chose partisan political loyalty over standing with our most cherished ally in the Middle East, voting overwhelmingly to oppose this measure. 

Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has also said this bill will not even get a vote in the US Senate. This is a test for Democratic Senators who say they support Israel: will you meekly accept this betrayal of a key strategic partner?

What do you say Senator Casey (D-PA)? What do you say Senator Rosen (D-NV)? What do you say Senator Tester (D-MT)? What do you say Senator Brown (D-OH)?

There is no excuse for President Biden’s embargo of Israel as it fights for its very survival - and, unsurprisingly, Biden has said he would veto this bill if it ever reached his desk.

Without a doubt, there is only one unequivocally pro-Israel party and it is the Republican Party.