Washington, D.C. (March 13, 2013) - Republican Jewish Coalition Executive Director Matt Brooks released the following statement today:
"After eleven years with the Republican Jewish Coalition, National Grassroots Director Harris Vederman is stepping down to become the executive director of the America Israel Friendship League, a non-profit pro-Israel organization based in New York. Through Harris's leadership and hard work, he has brought the RJC's grassroots efforts to terrific heights. He led our outstanding community outreach program last year, which trained a record number of Jewish activists in outreach and advocacy. The RJC's effort was extremely successful and was hailed by RNC Chairman Reince Priebus as a model for other Republican affinity groups. During his 11-year tenure, Harris has made an invaluable contribution to the RJC; we thank him and wish him well in his new role.
"We are very pleased to announce that Deputy Grassroots Director Alex Siegel has been named the new National Grassroots Director. In his time with the RJC, Alex has shown remarkable creativity, enthusiasm, and dedication to expanding our local events and membership growth. We look forward to much continued success."
"After eleven years with the Republican Jewish Coalition, National Grassroots Director Harris Vederman is stepping down to become the executive director of the America Israel Friendship League, a non-profit pro-Israel organization based in New York. Through Harris's leadership and hard work, he has brought the RJC's grassroots efforts to terrific heights. He led our outstanding community outreach program last year, which trained a record number of Jewish activists in outreach and advocacy. The RJC's effort was extremely successful and was hailed by RNC Chairman Reince Priebus as a model for other Republican affinity groups. During his 11-year tenure, Harris has made an invaluable contribution to the RJC; we thank him and wish him well in his new role.
"We are very pleased to announce that Deputy Grassroots Director Alex Siegel has been named the new National Grassroots Director. In his time with the RJC, Alex has shown remarkable creativity, enthusiasm, and dedication to expanding our local events and membership growth. We look forward to much continued success."
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