
RJC: We Are Proud of Cantor's Record

Washington, D.C. (June 10, 2014) -- RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks responded to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's loss in today's Republican primary election in Virginia:

We are disappointed that our friend Eric Cantor lost his primary race tonight, but we are proud of his many, many accomplishments in Congress. He has been a hardworking representative of his district and a trusted leader in the House. Eric's efforts have been invaluable in passing important legislation on matters of concern to his constituents and the nation. He rose quickly to a top position in the House, having earned the trust and respect of his colleagues.

Eric has been an important pro-Israel voice in the House and a leader on security issues, including Iran sanctions. We deeply appreciate his efforts to keep our country secure and to support our allies around the world.

The RJC represents the unique viewpoint of the Republican Jewish community and acts as the bridge between the Jewish community and Republican elected officials. We are proud to have worked with Eric Cantor for the last 14 years.