September 10, 2020 |
Your weekly look at the latest news, analysis, and RJC activities around the country. |
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RJC in the News
RJC released three new ads this week, putting more than a million dollars behind television and digitals ads in support of congressional candidates Lisa Scheller (PA-7) and David Richter (NJ-3) and Senator Susan Collins (R-ME). These ad campaigns are in addition to our $10 million national effort for the reelection of President Donald Trump.
RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks said of the Scheller and Richter ads:
The Republican Jewish Coalition is proud to support two terrific Jewish Republican candidates who are in important, consequential races this cycle. Our ads present messages that voters need to hear about these two races and will reach voters throughout the targeted districts in PA-7 and NJ-3. These ads are part of our strategy to help Republicans take back the US House majority and are in addition to our $10 million national effort for the reelection of President Donald Trump.
The ad for Lisa Scheller in PA-7, entitled "Grit," tells Lisa’s extraordinary story from addiction to inspiration. Watch it here.
The ad for David Richter in NJ-3, entitled "Intelligence," points out Democrat Andy Kim’s role in the Obama-Biden administration as Pres. Obama’s Iraq advisor. His bad judgement then cost lives, making him the wrong choice for NJ voters today. Watch the ad here.
The third ad released this week supports the reelection of Senator Susan Collins of Maine. RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks said:
Senator Susan Collins is at the top of the Democrats' list of GOP Senators to take out in this cycle, and they are pouring resources into their effort to defeat her. The Republican Jewish Coalition is proud to support her reelection because Sen. Collins is the kind of thoughtful, independent voice our country needs today. Her experience, her passion, and her ability to reach across the aisle are exactly what the people of Maine need in the US Senate.
The ad for Susan Collins, entitled "Bipartisan," features former Democrat nominee for Vice President, Senator Joe Lieberman. Watch it here.
The RJC ad for Susan Collins featuring Joe Lieberman has gotten wide media coverage, starting with NBC News:
Lieberman is also appearing in an ad for Collins as she faces perhaps the toughest race of her career. "I'm a lifelong Democrat but I put my country first, always. That's why I'm supporting Susan Collins for Senate," Lieberman, a Democrat turned independent, said in the ad, which is paid for by the Republican Jewish Coalition.
Other outlets that ran stories on the RJC ad include: The Hill, Portland (ME) Press Herald, Fox News, NewBostonPost.com, and The Federalist.
See all three ads and help us keep the ads running with your generous donation here.

Alabama Senate Race: Tommy Tuberville
In previous messages in this space, I've told you about Senate races where the GOP is fighting to retain seats we currently hold. For a change of pace, let's examine a race where Republicans are on offense - the Alabama contest pitting Democrat Sen. Doug Jones against former Auburn University football coach Tommy Tuberville.
Jones narrowly won a 2017 special election against one of the most ethically tarnished candidates in living memory. Now that he's bidding for a full term against a well-regarded Republican, Alabamans must decide whether they want a liberal Senator who sides with Chuck Schumer on important votes or a conservative Republican.
But Jones holds an advantage in one important area: money. As of the last mandatory disclosure, Jones had nearly $9 million in his campaign account, while Tuberville, who had to fight through both a competitive primary and a run-off against a well-funded opponent, had just $551,000. In recent days, Jones has begun airing television ads attacking Tuberville over his financial dealings.
On issues of special concern to Jewish Americans, Jones has not stood out. Tuberville, on the other hand, vows that he will be "all in with Israel." With control of the Senate depending on flipping this seat from Blue to Red, we need to be "all in" for Tommy Tuberville.
The RJC PAC has endorsed Tommy Tuberville. You can help him win by clicking here to support his campaign.
Please watch this space for more in-depth analysis on individual races in the critical 2020 elections. If you’d like to share your thoughts with me on any of these races, please email me at [email protected]. Click here to see previous "Notes from Norm."
US, Israeli, and Emirati officials on the tarmac in Abu Dhabi.
President Trump Nominated for Nobel Prize; UAE and Israel Peace Treaty to Be Signed Next Tuesday in DC
President Donald Trump has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize for his role in the establishment of relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, as well as his efforts to end conflicts in other parts of the world.
Representatives of Israel and the UAE will meet in Washington, DC on Tuesday to sign their historic agreement. The UAE-Israel agreement will be a formal treaty of peace, although the two countries have never been at war. Giving the agreement treaty status means that Israel’s Knesset and the UAE’s Federal National Council will have to ratify it, and puts it on a par with the Israel-Egypt peace treaty of 1979 and the Israel-Jordan peace treaty of 1994.
One indicator that the Middle East has reached a truly historic moment, when the dream of Arab-Israeli peace finally seems possible, is that the Arab League denied Palestinian requests to condemn the peace agreement between the UAE and Israel. Jack Beyrer reports at the Washington Free Beacon:
During a video meeting between league members, Palestinian Authority officials argued the normalization between the UAE and Israel violated previous agreements between the Arab states. No Arab country supported the position, however, and Arab League secretary-general Ahmed Aboul Gheit said the league remains committed to the organization's 2002 Israeli-Palestinian peace proposal.
This week, senior White House adviser Jared Kushner announced that Saudi Arabia and Bahrain will allow all flights to and from Israel to use their airspace, in a significant change of policy. The two Gulf countries agreed last week to open their skies to Israeli flights to the United Arab Emirates, but now the two countries say that any and all Israeli flights to and from the East will be permitted to cross their airspace. This change will cut the flying time from Israel to the UAE from 7 hours to three and a half hours. Kushner said, “That will save people a lot of time. That knocks down a barrier that’s been up for 72 years.”

Biden and Harris Fail to Draw the Line at Antisemitism
Last week, Joe Biden met with the family of Jacob Blake, a black man who was shot by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The shooting sparked days of rioting. The Democrat nominee for President met with Blake’s father, Jacob Blake Sr., despite media reports about multiple antisemitic messages that Blake Sr. had posted to social media. Blake Sr. posted that he stood with antisemitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and that Jews “control Minds and money.” The Biden campaign made no comment on the antisemitic posts, either before or after Biden met with Blake Sr.
Former New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind, a Democrat, called Biden’s meeting with Blake Sr. “pathetic” and said the meeting happened because, “They [the Biden campaign] are cowards and afraid of upsetting the Democratic Party and the radical left.”
Kamala Harris also met with Blake’s family and spoke by phone with the younger Blake in his hospital bed this week. When Jacob Blake Jr. told Harris he was proud of her, she replied that she was also proud of him.
Jonathan Tobin points out that the media was silent on Biden’s meeting with the author of the antisemitic social media posts and denounced those on the right who objected to the meeting. He writes:
Blake’s hatred doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t feel sympathy for a family that is dealing with a tragedy. But all of this became public knowledge before Biden was scheduled to meet with the Blake family on a visit to Kenosha. The Democratic nominee chose to meet with him anyway. That Biden’s camp did so was clearly based on its calculation that offending Blake and the Black Lives Matter movement was politically more perilous than offending Jews or people who care about anti-Semitism.
That might have been a controversial decision, but when the mainstream press is acting as your bodyguard, such risks are minimal.
…Biden’s decision to meet with Blake doesn’t mean he’s an anti-Semite. Nor does it obligate anyone to support Trump. But it does mean that the Democrat—assuming his aides told him about Blake senior’s dubious record—or his handlers believe that paying homage to the BLM movement is more important than drawing lines in the sand about anti-Semitism… When our political leaders don’t treat hatemongers as being beyond the pale—as was the case with Biden and Blake—they can’t pretend that they take the issue of anti-Semitism seriously.

The RJC is committed to reelecting President Donald Trump, keeping the Senate, and winning back the House. We encourage our members to participate in our outreach phonebank project to help Republicans win in November. It's easy, and you can do it from home! Here's how YOU can help:
- Sign up to call Jewish voters from home by clicking HERE. - Fill out all of the fields. - Listen to the instructions and write down your username and password when a member of the RJC Victory Team contacts you. - Make as many phone calls as you can. Everyone you speak to is a potential vote for President Trump and the GOP!
Sign up now and you could be the next RJC Volunteer of the Week!

The RJC PAC has endorsed a terrific slate of House and Senate candidates, and we need them to continue their work on Capitol Hill! CLICK HERE to donate through the RJC PAC portal and show your support for our great candidates!
And don't forget your RJC/Trump kippah! Our extremely popular red Trump kippah is now for sale for just $18. This includes shipping and handling. Supplies are limited.
— Events —
RJC Victory Team National Days of Action
This week, we awarded RJC’s first 2020 Volunteer Raffle Prize (an iPad Mini) to Laurie Semo from Delray Beach, FL. The next drawing will be on Tuesday, September 22. Reminder: For every 1,000 calls made to targeted Jewish voters in key battleground states, volunteers will receive 1 raffle “ticket” to enter the prize drawing, and will receive a $100 AmEx gift card.
Please join us for the upcoming RJC Victory Team Virtual Days of Action scheduled for Sunday, September 13, Tuesday, September 15 and Thursday, September 17. We'll be calling potential Jewish voters in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, Arizona, and Georgia, key battleground states of the 2020 election cycle. Click here to sign up and help!
While RJC offices are closed and our staff are teleworking, you can reach us by email or by phone (please leave a voicemail message and your call will be returned). Contact information for our offices can be found on our web site. Please visit us online for the latest RJC news, to volunteer for our 2020 outreach efforts, to see details of upcoming events, and to donate to the RJC.
If you like the work we’re doing, consider joining us on Facebook and Twitter, and renew or upgrade your RJC membership. Ensure that your voice is heard in our party and our community!
Republican Jewish Coalition | 50 F Street, N.W., Suite 100 | Washington, DC 20001
202.638.6688 | [email protected]