Antisemitic comments from Reps. Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib have gone unchallenged by Jewish Democrats.
The Jews Who Are Complicit in Jew-Hatred
Seth Mandel, writing at Commentary, pulls no punches in his piece this week about those who act willfully blind about antisemitism from the Left and, by doing so, allow it to fester. Mandel calls out Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt for special scrutiny, since the ADL is supposed to be the watchdog group that defends the Jewish community from antisemitism. Greenblatt consistently ignores, covers up, or deflects criticism away from the antisemitic comments of Democrats like Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).
Nor is Greenblatt alone in this. As Mandel writes, the organization that claims to represent Jewish Democrats is likewise silent when their voice is most needed:
[Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt] came to the ADL after serving in the Obama administration. His fellow ex-Obama official, Halie Soifer, who served as a national-security adviser to Kamala Harris before she became vice president, took over the flagship Democratic Jewish organization, the Jewish Democratic Council of America. The JDCA’s executive committee is loaded up with current or former presidents and executives of such mainstream Jewish groups as AIPAC, the Jewish Federations, and the American-Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. After pressure built to respond to AOC’s tweet and the others like it, Soifer wrote: “Proud to be a Democrat in this moment when leaders recognize there is no binary choice to be made between Israel’s security & right to self-defense, and Palestinian rights & safety. We can do both at the same time, while rejecting the forced false dichotomy & narrative of divide.” Thus did Soifer give a seal of approval to the effort to dress up hateful anti-Zionism as merely legitimate criticism of Israel’s government. [emphasis added]
When Rep. Ilhan Omar tweeted recently a comparison of the US and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban, twelve Jewish Democratic members of Congress wrote a letter to condemn her words. Mandel notes:
The response to the letter revealed the depressing reality at the core of American Jewish life: the complete abandonment of the Jews by their own supposed watchdogs and the merger of those groups into semiofficial arms of the very political party now enabling their torment. Greenblatt merely retweeted one of the signatories’ tweets of the letter, adding his own comment: “Well said.” His me-tooing of the statement added insult to injury: Not only were the congressmen given no cover by the ADL, but once they ventured into the breach they were given no reinforcement by it. The following morning, the JDCA tweeted: “Jewish Dems will be meeting with Rep. Omar during our Week of Action to discuss her recent comments on Israel, as well as other priorities of Jewish Dems in Minnesota. There is no equivalence between Israel and terrorist organizations such as Hamas.” The organization sounded more annoyed at having to say something than outraged by what Omar had said. [emphasis added]
When will Jewish organizations like ADL and JDCA hold radical Democrats accountable for the antisemitism they express and encourage?
The Un-Jews
In case you missed it, Natan Sharansky and Gil Troy had a terrific article last week at Tablet Magazine about what they call “un-Jews,” rabidly anti-Zionist, politically radical Jews who are trying to pry Jewish identity away from its historic intrinsic connection to the Jewish homeland, Israel.
New Poll Says: Many Democrats Want More US Support for Palestinians
The Associated Press reports:
A new poll on American attitudes toward a core conflict in the Middle East finds about half of Democrats want the US to do more to support the Palestinians, showing that a growing rift among Democratic lawmakers is also reflected in the party’s base.
The poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds differences within both the Democratic and the Republican parties on the US approach toward Israel and the Palestinians, with liberal Democrats wanting more support for the Palestinians and conservative Republicans seeking even greater support for the Israelis.
Among Democrats, 51% say the US is not supportive enough of the Palestinians. The sentiment jumps to 62% among Democrats who describe themselves as liberal. On the other hand, 49% of Republicans say the US is not supportive enough of the Israelis, a number that rises to 61% among those who say they’re conservative.
This latest poll demonstrates the unfortunate trend that the RJC has been tracking for more than a decade. The partisan divide on support for Israel is a real and serious problem, exacerbated by the weakness of Democratic leaders who are allowing the most radical elements of their caucus to gain power.
The Paradoxes of Benjamin Netanyahu: The fox who is also the hedgehog
Bret Stephens looks at the record of Benjamin Netanyahu, “a man of great ambition, talent, and undeniable achievements” in diplomacy, security, and the economy, who was defeated by “the strangest coalition of political bedfellows ever assembled in Israeli—if not Western—history.”
A coronation in Tehran
Ilan Berman examines the election of Ebrahim Raisi as president of Iran, who has been implicated in the death of nearly 10,000 political prisoners in the late 1980s.
Iran says US agreed to remove 1,040 sanctions from Trump era in nuclear talks
As part of nuclear talks in Vienna, the Biden administration has agreed to lift sanctions on Iran’s oil and shipping sectors, as well as to remove several senior officials from its blacklists, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s chief of staff said Wednesday.
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