The Problem of Iran is Only Getting Worse
The Biden administration is so focused on reentering the 2015 Obama-Biden nuclear deal with Iran (the JCPOA) – or a similar deal – that they are ignoring the reality of the Iranian regime and its determination to become an aggressive nuclear power. The Biden team is going so far as to ignore US law to get the Iranian regime onboard with a deal.
Adam Kredo reports at the Washington Free Beacon on President Joe Biden’s refusal to fully implement the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that he signed in December. The NDAA, which passed in Congress with bipartisan support, includes provisions requiring the administration to be transparent about how sanctions relief benefits the Iranian military. Kredo writes:
Congressional foreign policy leaders slammed the Biden administration's decision to not comply with a legal mandate to detail to Congress how sanctions relief for Iran will bolster the regime's ability to conduct terror attacks.
Republicans in Congress, in comments to the Washington Free Beacon, accused President Joe Biden of obstructing the legislative branch's constitutional oversight role. They say the Biden administration does not want Congress to know how much money sanctions relief provides to Iran's terrorist allies as negotiations with Tehran over a revamped nuclear deal drag into another year.
Biden, in a statement issued during the Christmas holiday, said he would not fully obey a reporting provision included in the bipartisan spending bill that mandates the administration account for every dollar Iran receives as a result of lifted sanctions…
The noncompliance announcement comes as the Biden administration attempts to reenter a nuclear deal with Iran—using sanctions relief as a bargaining chip. The Biden administration waiver also applies to other NDAA provisions requiring a full accounting of the equipment and classified materials abandoned in Afghanistan when the United States left the country last year, as well as a detailed report on joint US-Taliban intelligence-sharing operations.
While the nuclear talks continue, the US has nothing to show for it. In fact, the US delegation is still not even in the room (as the Washington Free Beacon noted back in April and the AP confirmed in November). The Europeans, Russians, and Chinese sit with the Iranians and diplomats go back and forth between them and the US delegation, who are in a different hotel.
The Biden administration continues to give in to Iran, making the US look weak, while Iran continues to cheat on the JCPOA and push for more concessions, as analysts and commentators have noted:
Anthony Ruggiero:
The Biden administration now admits a nuclear deal with Iran may not happen despite its continued outreach to Tehran. There are signs the administration wants to pin the blame on former US President Donald Trump, whose withdrawal from the original nuclear deal supposedly provided Iran with the pretext to advance its nuclear weapons capabilities. But the uncomfortable truth is Iran’s most aggressive moves came after US President Joe Biden was elected. What’s driving Tehran forward is not Trump’s maximum pressure campaign but Biden’s decision to ease that pressure. Simply put: Iran is doing what it can get away with.
Jake Wallis Simons:
The president might not have said in so many words that he would bend over backwards for a deal. But the Iranians are skilled at reading between the lines, and so are the senior members of his own administration.
…The talks began with a spectacular American misstep. As soon as the starting gun was fired, US negotiators amazed international partners by tabling a proposal that was so generous that the Iranians had to rub their eyes to believe it. In the minds of the Americans, this was a take-it-or-leave-it offer, straight out of the box. But it did not come across that way to Tehran.
Once the Iranians had caught their breath and climbed back onto their chairs, they set about demanding further concessions, in the belief that this was only the US opening position. The Americans continued to insist that this was a one-time offer — but crucially failed to back this up by walking away from the table or putting forward punishing consequences. So the Iranians kept on demanding.
Russian President Vladimir Putin meeting with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and other high-ranking military personnel.
Iran is Not the Only Problem
Like Iran, Russia poses a serious challenge to our security and peace, but the Biden administration is not facing either with the strength and determination we need.
Former Senator Joe Lieberman, in an op-ed at the Wall Street Journal, outlines some actions the US should take and warns:
The biggest challenges the US will face in 2022 won’t be Covid-19 or inflation but Russia and Iran. The way the Biden administration handles these two hostile, despotic governments may determine how secure our country will be for years.
…[S]trong, clear acts of principled US diplomatic and military leadership can avoid generational defeats in Europe and the Middle East and restore America’s international credibility and trustworthiness.
Further reading:
For an eye-opening look at how Russian President Vladimir Putin is trying to destroy NATO and reduce US influence in Europe, dive into this disquieting article by Francoise Thom.
RJC Seeks CA Outreach Associate
The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) is seeking an Outreach Associate to assist with the accelerated growth of membership and to support programming and events in California. Candidates must be organized, motivated, and detail-oriented. This position is based in Los Angeles, CA.
For details about the position and how to apply, click here.
RJC in the News
Omri Nahmias reports in the Jerusalem Post on the legislative priorities of Jewish organizations for 2022:
Sam Markstein, national political director for the Republican Jewish Coalition, said that “RJC’s focus this year will continue to be opposing the Biden administration’s wrong-headed efforts, most notably their plan to revive a dangerously flawed nuclear deal with Iran, their scheme to open a US consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem, and their disastrous ‘Build Back Better’ bill.
“RJC will also be supporting measures to replenish Israel’s Iron Dome, broaden and strengthen the Abraham Accords, and compel the Palestinian Authority to end ‘pay for slay’ subsidies for terrorism.”
His candle will burn eternal
This is Dr. Miriam Adelson’s beautiful tribute to her late husband, Sheldon Adelson, on the first anniversary of his passing.
The 10 worst things Biden did in 2021 Marc Thiessen recently offered his annual round-up of the worst actions taken by the US President during the past year. He notes that winnowing the list down to just 10 entries was extremely difficult.
Atlanta: Webinar with Jonathan Schanzer Sr. VP at Foundation for Defense of Democracies
"Gaza Conflict 2021"
Atlanta: GOP "Job Interview" in GA-06 Live event with five Republican primary candidates for Congress in Georgia's 6th district.
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