There's still time to register for the #1 political event of the year!
Click here for more information.
The RJC’s Annual Meeting in Las Vegas is exclusively for current members of the RJC National Leadership. Leadership opportunities start at $1,000. More membership details are available here.
An RJC volunteer knocks on doors in Nevada to encourage Jewish likely voters to support Republican candidates in the state.
RJC in the News
As we count down the last week to Election Day, the RJC Victory Fund continues to run hard-hitting ads in the key battleground state of Pennsylvania, while the RJC field team and our terrific volunteers across the country are making phone calls and knocking on doors to get out the vote. Also, our upcoming annual leadership meeting in Las Vegas is getting noticed. Here are some of our latest press clips.
Republican Jewish Coalition pours more money into PA Senate race for ads targeting black voters
The Republican Jewish Coalition is spending another $350,000 in Pennsylvania, increasing to $2 million its total advertising buy targeting black voters in a bid to push Dr. Mehmet Oz (R) past Lt. Gov. John Fetterman (D) in this key Senate race.
…Although $2 million is a drop in the bucket amid the tens of millions being spent on the Pennsylvania Senate race, the RJC believes its strategy could have an outsize impact. The group’s spots are specifically targeting black voters with direct-to-camera testimonials that paint Fetterman as hostile to the black community.
…In addition to the $2 million invested in the Senate race, the group has spent $750,000 against Rep. Susan Wild (D-PA) in the 7th Congressional District and $450,000 to elevate Jim Bognet, the Republican challenging Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-PA) in the 8th Congressional District.
'All hands on deck': Jewish orgs. on Pennsylvania battleground midterm
The Republican Jewish Coalition Victory Fund, for example, announced an additional $350,000 independent expenditure in the Senate race, bringing the total spending on that race to $1,850,000 - the organization's single largest-ever expenditure in a midterm election.
RJC’s Pennsylvania regional director, Scott Feigelstein, said that aside from TV ads, the group is also investing in grassroots activities to support several candidates, including Oz, Scheller, Jim Bognet, Jeremy Shaffer and Guy Ciarrocchi.
“Obviously, the Senate race is critical because the balance of power in the Senate, a lot of the experts think – and I happen to agree – runs through Pennsylvania,” said Feigelstein. “Keeping this Senate will help us win other seats elsewhere. We have been assembling a cadre of volunteers for phone banking, door knocking and literature dropping, and we’re working with our volunteers to get out the votes for November. It’s an all-hands-on-deck effort for months and months now.”
GOP 2024 primary set to begin with conference featuring several contenders, but not Trump
The shadow campaign for the Republican presidential nomination is poised to break wide open, with about a dozen 2024 contenders scheduled to showcase themselves to leading donors and activists attending an annual Republican Jewish Coalition conference.
Former President Donald Trump is not on the guest list. He was invited to Las Vegas but declined, RJC officials confirmed Monday. But nearly every other prominent Republican eyeing a White House bid is coming.
…Meanwhile, the RJC’s Nov. 18–19 “leadership meeting” could be unique for another reason. The gathering could feature House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) first public speech as the speaker-elect.
The RJC is proud to honor our great volunteers!
Your vote matters! Be sure to vote by Election Day!
Republicans on the Cusp of Flipping Key Seats RED
We’ve been highlighting important races all year and we thank you for showing your support of the great GOP candidates the RJC PAC has endorsed. It’s not too late to send donations to candidates – you can do that right through Election Day, at the RJC PAC portal here or the RJC PAC website here.
Did you know that we may have another Jewish Republican in Congress next year? From California? Meet Matt Jacobs , who’s running in CA-26 (in Ventura County). The New York Sun looks at why Jacobs is doing so well in a district that went strongly for President Biden in 2020:
Mr. Jacobs focused on the basics: cost of living, crime, education, adequate energy, and water. The basic things everyone wants and needs to live a good life, but things that, in California and in many places around the country, feel like they are slipping away amid skyrocketing prices, surging lawlessness, and an often inadequate education system
Another Republican whose focus on bread-and-butter issues is helping him win votes is Allan Fung, who’s running in a traditionally Democratic Rhode Island district (RI-2). The Washington Examiner reports:
"A lot of Rhode Islanders are truly hurt, and they're scared about what's coming," Fung told the Washington Examiner. "We need to rein in spending as well as become energy independent because they're downright scared about what's going on in our country right now. And it's hitting them every single day."
Fung's economic-centric messaging to voters echoes similar sentiments Republicans have conveyed in hot races across the country as fiscal woes dominate the minds of voters in myriad polling
In North Carolina’s Senate race, Republican Ted Budd is running strong. As the Washington Free Beacon observed this week, this race may hold the key to the Senate majority:
Most Americans have never heard of Cheri Beasley or her GOP opponent, Rep. Ted Budd, a gun-store owner from Davie County outside Winston-Salem first elected in 2016. The two candidates are running to succeed Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), who is retiring after three terms in office. It's a race that could determine which party controls the U.S. Senate for the second half of President Joe Biden's first (and probably last) term in office, but the national media aren't paying attention… [T]he outcome of this race will be a reasonably accurate reflection of the national mood, which is why Budd is probably going to win.
…The candidate cites one of his campaign ads, titled, "A Tale of Two Carts," which highlights the rising cost of groceries since [Joe] Biden took office. "You're being forced to make hard decisions because Joe Biden made bad decisions," Budd says in the ad. "Biden's reckless spending gave us record inflation that's crushing working families in North Carolina … I'm running for Senate to stop his spending and end this recession."
It is CRITICAL that Republicans win majorities in the House and Senate in 2022 - and you can help!
Donations to the RJC PAC go to top GOP candidates in competitive, winnable races that will make a difference for the GOP's efforts to retake the Senate and House.
When you donate to a candidate through the RJC PAC Portal, your entire donation goes to the candidate your chose and they will know that they have the support of an RJC member who cares about our priority issues.
Please show your support by donating to the RJC PAC and/or our ENDORSED CANDIDATES today!
Kustoff: To Save the Economy, Congress Must Make Some Tax Cuts Permanent
Jewish Republican Congressman David Kustoff (R-TN), writing at the Washington Times, underscores how important it is for Republicans to take back the House majority in this election. Important legislative gains of the recent past will be lost if Democrats continue to control the House. Kustoff writes:
Democrats’ one-party rule in Washington has failed every American family and small business. As our nation is coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, out-of-control government spending and radical policies have Americans from coast to coast struggling to make ends meet.
Republicans’ Commitment to America, by contrast, can deliver an economy that is strong. The key ingredient? Locking in the gains from the Republican-passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) by making its temporary provisions permanent. This was the first major reform to the federal tax code in over 30 years and expanded opportunities for families and businesses. TCJA reduced taxes on middle-class families and small businesses, created nearly 5 million jobs in the first two years, and delivered the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years.
After two years of Democrats’ failures, it’s clear that we need to make this reform permanent.
…At a time when job creators are being forced to pass on higher costs to consumers in the form of higher prices, we need to provide relief. Small businesses have boomed thanks to a variety of TCJA provisions that let them invest in their businesses. One gives Main Street businesses a tax deduction of up to 20% of their income. Another lets businesses deduct the cost of new investments in the year they were purchased.
We even provided an estate tax exemption, which is a critical tool for retirement planning and family businesses. Yet Democrats have left these policies on the chopping block… We need to change course and return to the approach that worked.
Biden shouldn’t try to ‘save’ Israeli democracy from election victors
Jonathan Tobin writes this week about the Israeli elections: “The prospect of not only a victory for [Benjamin] Netanyahu and his Likud Party, but the formation of a government with a prominent role for the Religious Zionist Party and one of its controversial leaders, Itamar Ben Gvir, is enough to set the hair of Democrats and the foreign-policy establishment on fire… That sets up a situation where the temptation for Washington to try to influence the coalition negotiations that will follow the counting of the votes may prove irresistible… Israel’s people don’t need to be saved from themselves. Their governments are supposed to represent the needs and concerns of the citizens, not the sensibilities of the country’s foreign friends.”
Election Day is almost here!
GA: Election Analysis Webinar with Richard Baehr Join us for an exciting virtual Republican Jewish Coalition program featuring chief political correspondent for The American Thinker, Richard Baehr.
NY: Lunch with General Yaakov Amidror This special event features retired IDF Major General Amidror, who currently serves as Greg and Anne Rosshandler Senior Fellow at The Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security.
RJC Annual Leadership Meeting OUR MOST EXCITING EVENT OF THE YEAR IS BACK! Enjoy a weekend of politics and policy with fellow Jewish Republicans and top GOP elected officials, policy makers, and pundits. Registration is now open!
RJC offices are open! Contact information for our offices can be found on our website. Please visit us online for the latest RJC news, to see details of upcoming events, and to donate to the RJC. Read past editions of this newsletter here.
Republican Jewish Coalition 50 F Street, N.W., Suite 100 | Washington, DC 20001
202.638.6688 | [email protected]