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An RJC volunteer door knocking in Michigan.

We're Just 19 Days from Election Day!

YOU can help make the difference and help Republicans WIN!


Sign up now to volunteer!

Knock on doors in battleground states or phone bank from wherever you are.


Every voter contact counts! Contact Leah Sabin at [email protected] or click here and join us today!

You could be our Volunteer of the Week! (See below.)

Nikki Haley: Choose Substance Over Style – Vote Trump

This week the RJC was delighted to host a webinar with our good friend, Ambassador Nikki Haley, moderated by RJC Chairman Norm Coleman. Amb. Haley talked about the stark differences in policy between President Donald Trump and Kamala Harris on Israel and its fight against Iran and its proxies. The world is a much more dangerous place after four years of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and Amb. Haley outlined some of those concerning developments. She also shared thoughtful comments on other issues, including abortion and the economy.


She encouraged all of us to speak up for President Trump and emphasize "substance over style." Help people cut through the "noise" and focus on what really matters. Haley said, "You have to choose a side… Israel's life is at stake, America's life is at stake, our security is at stake, our economy is at stake… The substance matters more because it will affect your everyday life 24 hours a day, 7 days a week… Donald Trump may be 'noisy', but his policies are what's going to take us to a better place."


You can watch the full conversation here.

Did you see the TRUMP KIPPAH that Matt held up during his GOP Convention speech?


New RJC Congressional Endorsements

The Republican Jewish Coalition announced the endorsement of five candidates - one Senate incumbent, three House incumbents, and one House challenger.

The newly endorsed candidates are: Sen. Deb Fischer (Nebraska), Rep. Monica De La Cruz (TX-15), Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1), Rep. Young Kim (CA-40), and Scott Baugh (CA-47).


RJC National Chairman Senator Norm Coleman said:

RJC remains fully committed to maintaining and expanding the GOP’s majority in the House and winning a durable majority in the Senate. Toward that end, we’ve endorsed fifty House candidates and fifteen Senate candidates, prioritizing the races that will be decisive in determining party control.


All of our endorsed candidates are rock-solid in support of Israel’s security. They understand that the Jewish state’s self-defense requires not just a decisive response to terrorist adversaries Hamas and Hezbollah - but also a willingness to confront the Iranian regime that directly supports the terrorists’ war on Israel.


All of our endorsed candidates also understand that antisemitism is a real and growing threat in our country. They will support accountability for institutions, such as universities and city governments, that can’t or won’t protect Jews from violent antisemites.

You can support these newly endorsed candidates by clicking on their names above or visiting the RJC PAC Portal. And please consider going to the RJC PAC Portal and donating to our FEATURED candidates at the top of the candidate list. They are in the toughest races and most in need of your generous support!

Our terrific featured and endorsed candidates need YOUR support to win in tough, game-changing races around the country.


Please help by visiting the RJC PAC Portal, where you can give to multiple candidates with just a few clicks.


Time is short and the resources are needed NOW for these GOP stars to get their messages out to voters and get voters to the polls.


We can't afford to ask sadly later, "What more could we have done?"
We have to get it done TODAY!


Thank you for helping these great Republicans win!

RJC in the News

Atlanta Jewish Times: Jewish Republicans turn out for Kemp & Graham

It was standing room only in City Springs on Sept. 30 when greeters handed out red suede Trump kippahs to close to 200 mostly seniors who came to hear Sen. Lindsay Graham and Gov. Brian Kemp head the Republican Jewish Coalition topic, "Israel at the Crossroads." The two were in conversation with former Minnesota Senator and Minneapolis mayor Norm Coleman.


...Local RJC Chair Chuck Berk kicked off the event by praising Kemp for being an outstanding governor, meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and helping pass the Hate Crimes Bill, and more locally, establishing the new Anne Frank Center in Sandy Springs. In addressing Graham, Berk said, "No one in D.C. understands the Middle East more to provide clarity."

See the video of this event on the RJC YouTube channel.

Forward: In final stretch, Harris and Trump intensify outreach to Jewish voters in key swing states

With only 23 days until the election, Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump are ramping up their outreach to Jewish voters. Recent polls show the race is neck-and-neck in key battleground states, where Jews remain a pivotal voting bloc.


… Trump has made several recent appearances at events with Jewish audiences, including a 20-minute visit to the grave of the Lubavitcher Rebbe in Queens, NY, last week... The former president also recorded a video message to Americans living in Israel. "The other side doesn’t even like you," Trump said of Democrats. "I will keep protecting Israel. Please go out and vote, and I promise not to disappoint you."


… The Republican Jewish Coalition and the Jewish Democratic Council of America, as well as other Jewish groups, have deployed dozens of paid staff and hundreds of volunteers to engage in grassroots efforts like phone banking, door-knocking, canvassing and writing letters to the editor.

We need YOU to help with our grassroots get-out-the-vote efforts in the battleground states! Every day until Election Day is crucial.


Email [email protected] to learn more!

Washington Examiner: Democratic House candidates take donations from head of Rockefeller group backing anti-Israel activists

Dozens of Democratic congressional candidates are being boosted, to the tune of over $100,000, by a trustee for a Rockefeller family group funding anti-Israel protest organizers.


David Rockefeller Jr., a businessman and trustee for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, has doled out the six-figure checks combined this election cycle to House hopefuls and to a political action committee supporting Democrats, Federal Election Commission filings show. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, a private foundation based in New York, has come under fire following Hamas’s Oct. 7, 2023, terrorist attack on Israel over the millions of dollars it sends to the progressive activists behind Hamas-friendly protests in the United States.


… "Now that these Democrats have been made aware of the far-left, pro-Hamas source of these funds, will they have the moral clarity to immediately return the money?" asked Sam Markstein, spokesman for the Republican Jewish Coalition. "The Jewish community should not hold its collective breath."

Island360: Antisemitic mailer depicting Blakeman sent on Jewish holiday eve

The CSEA Union’s local 830 division, part of one of the largest unions in New York, sent out a mailer depicting Bruce Blakeman, the first Jewish executive of Nassau County, with horns on his head.


The mailer was sent Oct. 11, one day before Yom Kippur, which is the holiest holiday in Judaism. Horns depicted on Jews is an antisemitic stereotype that started in medieval times.


… "As antisemitism reaches unprecedented levels, this is appalling from CSEA Local 830 — targeting the first Jewish Nassau County Executive with this bile the day before Yom Kippur begins," the Republican Jewish Coalition said on X. "Shameful. CSEA must immediately apologize to Nassau Executive Bruce Blakeman and disavow this mailer."

We Have SO Much to Show You!

Hard-hitting ads, fascinating webinars, terrific speeches - we have so many excellent videos available on the RJC YouTube channel now, and we don't want you to miss a single one!


Check out the Republican Jewish Coalition YouTube page for:

Please share these videos, add your comments on the videos and, as always, please support our work!

Why Jewish Voters Should Back Trump

RJC Leader Chuck Berk writes at the Atlanta Jewish Times:

In 40-plus years in business, I ran into many great talkers who delivered nothing productive, or in my terms were "empty suits." Most politicians fit that description: promise a lot and deliver little. This election is unique. We can evaluate candidates based not on their campaign "promises but on their actual record in office to predict how they’ll address our community’s priorities.


You may not like his New York, direct, in your face style, but there’s a strong argument that Donald Trump was the best friend Israel has had in the White House since its 1948 founding. [Click through to see the facts Berk lists about Trump and Harris on Israel.]


...Under Kamala Harris, the Middle East is engulfed in chaos and war. Under President Trump there were historic levels of peace and security. The contrast could not be starker.


Regardless of what she says on the campaign trail, I find no reason to trust Kamala Harris to support Israel. She has shown little comprehension of the complexities of Middle East diplomacy and little understanding of the dire situation in which Israel finds itself. She doesn’t have the strength and determination to stand up against and deal with Iran (and China and Russia). To survive, Israel desperately needs capable US leadership and support.

Why Vote Trump? To Let Israel Win

Abby Schachter writes at the Jewish Chronicle:

Given the threats facing the United States, both externally and internally, voters would be wise to reasonably assess the two candidates’ views and the foreign policy advisers who will accompany them to the White House.


… This is a foreign policy election. The United States isn’t prepared for the threats we face, and our closest ally in the Middle East — Israel —is fighting a war against our collective adversary and its terror proxies. For all these reasons — if you want the US to be strong and safe, and if you want Israel to win — the clear choice is Donald Trump for president.


Support President Trump via the RJC PAC Portal

With Donald Trump and JD Vance, we have a great team on the GOP ticket - the next President and Vice President of the United States!


Let's show them that the Jewish community is behind them all the way!

Please show your support by donating to the Trump-Vance campaign via the RJC PAC Portal. They will know that you are a member of the RJC and that you support their agenda of a more secure and more prosperous America, and a strong US-Israel alliance!



Congratulations, Kerry! Thank you for your outstanding efforts to advance our Jewish voter outreach. Your work has a real impact!


We are proud to celebrate and thank this outstanding volunteer for contacting the most Jewish potential voters through our phone banking and door knocking programs.


Click here to sign up and join our efforts.

Click Here to Help Civilians and Soldiers in Israel

Short Takes

JNS: Tlaib accuses ‘genocidal maniac’ Netanyahu of burning Gazan babies

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) on Sunday labeled Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a "genocidal maniac" who was deliberately killing Palestinian civilians, prompting a sharp retort from the Jewish state’s envoy to the United Nations.


"Genocidal maniac Netanyahu is burning Palestinians alive, bombing hospitals, starving people, and killing aid workers. When will our country stop funding this madness? When?" tweeted Tlaib.


To which Israeli U.N. Ambassador Danny Danon retorted:"The only ones burning children alive were your buddies over at Hamas."


… Tlaib is on record as opposing a two-state solution in favor of the maximalist one-state model, which is shorthand for the dismantling of Jewish self-governance. She has denied Israel’s right to exist and has used the "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free" slogan, which is widely understood to be a call to ethnically cleanse the Land of Israel of Jews.

Free Beacon: Iran's Illicit Oil Revenue Swells to Nearly $200 Billion Since Biden-Harris Took Office, Latest Figures and Estimates Show

Iran’s illicit oil revenue has swelled to nearly $200 billion under the Biden-Harris administration, according to the latest government figures and expert estimates, a windfall driven by the perennially lax enforcement of US sanctions that has helped Tehran’s hardline regime obtain the cash needed to fund a brutal year-long war on Israel.

NY Post: UN peacekeeping troops failing Israel as Hezbollah creates terror tunnels right under their noses

Journalist and author Douglas Murray has been an eloquent and forceful champion of Israel in the media. We were honored to have him speak to the RJC Leadership Summit in Las Vegas last month. (Video here.) Murray has spent considerable time in Israel, Gaza, and now in Lebanon since October 7 of last year. He writes at the New York Post about the UN "peacekeeping force", UNIFIL, and Hezbollah:


"Five UN force members have been wounded in recent days. The IDF has taken responsibility for several of these accidental cases, although two days ago, it was Hezbollah that hit a UN peacekeeper.


"Still, the fact is that ever since the 2006 war here ended, the UN’s peacekeeping force has been not just useless but worse than useless.


"It was meant to be here to ensure that peace was kept on this tinderbox of a border. But for the past year, it has sat useless as Hezbollah has fired tens of thousands of rockets from southern Lebanon into Israel."


See also: The UN’s history of aiding Hezbollah, where Seth Mandel, writing at Commentary, gives us a historical perspective. He writes that in the summer of 2000, Israel withdrew from south Lebanon. A few months later, Hezbollah ambushed three soldiers on the Israeli side of the border and took them captive. UNIFIL did worse than nothing about it – they lied and abetted the kidnapping and killing of the three Israelis. In 2004, Israel would trade hundreds of terrorists in Israeli jails in return for the bodies of the three soldiers.

Tobin: Washington’s Iran diplomacy addiction shouldn’t stop Israel

Jonathan Tobin writes: "This is a moment when Washington’s support for a campaign to defeat a terrorist movement that has American, as well as Israeli and Jewish, blood on its hands would be crucial. Instead, the administration is desperately signaling to its media cheerleaders and the international community that it wants no part of an ongoing conflict whose ultimate target is to defeat Iran.


"Even gestures of support—such as the sending of a sophisticated THAAD missile-defense system to Israel, along with 100 American personnel to operate it—seem aimed more at restricting the Jewish state’s freedom to make a decision about retaliating against the latest direct Iranian attack, than to protect it. The fact that the administration has made sure to leak to the press that it wants Israel to avoid striking at Iran’s nuclear-weapons program, which is an existential threat not just to Israel but to Arab nations and the West, was a shocking indication of its ongoing devotion to the idea that Tehran and its most important assets should not be threatened."




The officers and staff of the Republican Jewish Coalition wish all of our members a happy Sukkot!

Watch your email box this Sunday for the next edition of
"Notes from Norm."




Battleground States: Door Knocking

Join us for EVERY SUNDAY for door knocking and phone banking. Help us reach voters in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan, and Arizona!

More Info




PA: Door Knocking, Football, Sukkah, and Sable

Join us for a morning of door-knocking and an afternoon of football, a conversation and Q&A with radio talk show host Barry Sable, and a nosh and l’chaim in a sukkah.





Webinar: "The World in Chaos" with Sec. Mike Pompeo

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will join us for a webinar entitled "The World In Chaos" to share his insights on strategic approaches to national security, foreign policy, and the importance of the 2024 election.





MI: Rogers vs. Slotkin - Critical Issues Facing the US and Israel in 2024

Mark your calendar and join us in the Oakland County area for this in-person event with Mike Rogers, candidate for Senate in Michigan, and Sen. Lindsey Graham.




Contact information for our offices can be found on our website. Please visit us online for the latest RJC news, to see details of upcoming events, and to donate to the RJC. Read past editions of this newsletter here.

Republican Jewish Coalition
50 F Street, N.W., Suite 100 | Washington, DC 20001
202.638.6688 | [email protected]