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RJC Releases 'Closing Argument' Ad for 2024 Election: Donald Trump Will Keep Us Safe

As part of the Republican Jewish Coalition's historic $15 million ad campaign targeting the Jewish community in key battleground states, the RJC announced the launch of its 'closing argument' ad for the 2024 election cycle.


RJC CEO Matt Brooks said:

The RJC's newest, and last, ad of the 2024 campaign reflects the fear and angst that Jewish Americans across our country are feeling, as we see Israel still under attack and antisemitism skyrocketing to unprecedented levels here at home.


While Kamala Harris is busy defending the Squad, Donald Trump will keep the Jewish community safe.


Jewish voters, some of whom have never voted for a Republican in their lives, understand the incredibly high stakes in this election. We encourage Jewish voters to listen to their Bubbies: it's OK to vote for Donald Trump.


With just 16 days left before Election Day, the Jewish community is more engaged and energized than ever before, and will once again play a decisive role in critical battleground states - and the RJC is laser-focused on delivering a victory for President Trump.

See the ad here.


This ad has gotten a great deal of media attention. The Fox News Network's "America Reports" show featured the ad yesterday. Katie Pavlich and John Roberts showed part of the RJC ad and talked about the RJC's message: American Jews should focus on the policies and actions that President Trump implemented that kept our country and community safe. Watch the segment here.

Screenshot from CNN's report.

CNN Goes on the Ground with RJC in PA

In battleground Pennsylvania, undecided Jewish voters could help swing the election


Dana Bash and Courtney Pence went to Pennsylvania this week to see the RJC's door knocking operation in action. In a segment that ran last night, they reported:

Jewish Americans have been a core part of the Democratic coalition for generations. But Israel’s retaliatory war against Hamas in Gaza and the turmoil it set off, including protests and a spike in antisemitic incidents, make Republicans believe they can make inroads with Jewish voters.


And in an election that will likely be decided on the margins, the votes of Jewish Pennsylvanians ... could be key to determining who wins the commonwealth’s 19 electoral votes – and with it, the presidency.


...The Republican Jewish Coalition has spent years building data on Jewish voters in swing states, according to the group’s CEO, Matt Brooks.


"We know, almost to a voter, what the issues are that motivate them, and we can deliver a message," Brooks said in an interview.


"For instance, there are people who care deeply about Israel. There are people who care deeply about the issue of antisemitism. But there’s also people in the Jewish community who care deeply about the economy, rising interest rates, the cost of food and gasoline," he added.


CNN followed canvassers with the coalition over the weekend here around Bala Cynwyd, a small town in the Philadelphia suburb of Montgomery County, which has a relatively large Jewish population.


They used an app on their phones fueled by data the Republican Jewish Coalition has collected that told them exactly which doors to knock on: Jews likely to vote Republican.


The most high-profile way the coalition is spending what it says is an unprecedented $15 million budget is through television and digital advertisements that try to link Harris to the House "squad" of progressive lawmakers, who have been vocal against Israel’s war in Gaza, and that accuse the Biden administration of going too easy on Iran, which funds proxies such as Hamas...


[In an interview with CNN for this segment, Matt Brooks said:] "There is a clear choice. You don’t have to like Donald Trump, but Donald Trump will keep the Jewish community safe."


Read and watch the segment here.

We need YOU to help with our grassroots get-out-the-vote efforts in the battleground states! It's all hands on deck! Every day until Election Day is crucial.


Email [email protected] to learn how you can help!

An RJC volunteer door knocking in Michigan.

We're Just 12 Days from Election Day!

YOU can help make the difference and help Republicans WIN!


Sign up now to volunteer!

Knock on doors in battleground states or phone bank from wherever you are.


Every voter contact counts! Contact Leah Sabin at [email protected] or click here and join us today!

You could be our Volunteer of the Week! (See below.)

Screenshot from the RJC Victory Fund's ad running in AZ-01

RJC Launches $1.3MM Ad Buy in Key Congressional Races

The Republican Jewish Coalition announced the launch of a $1.3MM ad campaign in three key Congressional races, which will determine control of the House of Representatives. The ads will run on broadcast, digital, and streaming in AZ-01, CO-08, and MI-10.


RJC CEO Matt Brooks said:

The RJC is laser-focused on the critical battleground states and districts that will determine the outcome of the 2024 Election.


AZ-01, CO-08, and MI-10 are three of the most competitive House races in the entire country, and this significant ad campaign exposes the far-left Democratic candidates for their radicalism.


With only 15 days left before Election Day, Republicans' success in these critical districts will put Speaker Johnson in a strong position to maintain and expand our majority in the House of Representatives.



AZ-01 - Where RJC endorsed Rep. David Schweikert


CO-08 - Where RJC endorsed Gabe Evans


MI-10 - Where RJC endorsed Rep. John James

Our terrific featured and endorsed candidates need YOUR support to win in tough, game-changing races around the country.


Please help by visiting the RJC PAC Portal, where you can give to multiple candidates with just a few clicks.


Time is short and the resources are needed NOW for these GOP stars to get their messages out to voters and get voters to the polls.


We can't afford to ask sadly later, "What more could we have done?"
We have get it done TODAY!


Thank you for helping these great Republicans win!

Mike Pompeo: It's Decision Time

The RJC hosted a webinar earlier this week with former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. RJC National Chairman Senator Norm Coleman engaged Sec. Pompeo in a discussion that ranged from Gaza to China.


Sec. Pompeo expressed the view that Israel is right not to share its operational plans with the United States when the Biden-Harris administration can't be trusted to support Israel in its fight against Iran's proxies in the region. He said, "The Biden-Harris team have mixed up good and evil in this conflict. They've tried to constrain our friends and our partners, and they have tried to create space for these terrorists..."


Regarding Iran, Sec. Pompeo stressed the danger of Iran getting nuclear weapons. He said, "The first rule for an adversary is you have to deny them wealth and resources and space inside their own country. I'm convinced most of the Iranian people know that the time is up for this regime. We ought to be helping them and you can't help them when you refuse to enforce sanctions and you allow the Iranians to now have what is almost $30 billion in foreign exchange reserves so that they can fund these proxy groups like the Houthis or Hezbollah or Hamas."


China is another threat that the US needs to focus on, according to Sec. Pompeo. We need to reshape the econonic relationship to one of greater reciprocity, we need to rebuild the military capacities that the Biden-Harris administration has shrunk, and we need to protect our kids from China's anti-American messaging through Tik-Tok. We also need to work with our partners in the region, Taiwan, Japan, the South Koreans, the Australians, and others on regional security issues raised by Chinese power.


When it comes down to Americans choosing the next President, Sec. Pompeo said that whether you like Donald Trump as a person or not, the simple, basic question is - looking at the track records of these two people, who would be the commander-in-chief that you would want your child to serve under? He concluded: "A vote for Donald Trump will make life a little more prosperous and a little more stable, not only for Israel but for America as well."


You can watch the full conversation here.

Did you see the TRUMP KIPPAH that Matt held up during his GOP Convention speech?


Making the Case for Donald Trump in the Jewish Community

RJC CEO Matt Brooks in the Washington Reporter - "Jewish voters must get out and vote"

It’s such a cliché to say that this election is "the most important election of our lifetimes," but in 2024, it’s true. Republicans know it and Democrats know it... That sense of urgency about the 2024 election is real — and visceral, especially for American Jews. Our country’s security – and our community’s safety — are truly hanging in the balance. That is why the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) has engaged in the largest ever effort to identify, persuade, and turn out Jewish voters in the key battleground states, where a small shift in votes can have an historic impact.


...The message itself is simple: As American Jews, our families, our communities, and our United States will be safer with President Trump in the White House and with Republicans leading the Senate and House. With Donald Trump as President, our allies will be stronger, the US military and our foreign policy will be stronger, and our economy will be stronger. Anti-semitism in any form will not be tolerated. Jewish students on college campuses, Jewish families in their neighborhoods, Jewish businesses and synagogues will be protected. Israel will once again have its greatest defender back in the Oval Office.


...For those Jewish voters who are willing to think through their choices in this election, there are compelling reasons to cast their votes for Donald Trump. And when they do, they could in fact nudge enough battleground states over the line to put Donald Trump back in office and bring our country that much closer to security and prosperity in the years to come.


We’re coming down to the wire. The Republican Jewish Coalition is going all out, connecting with voters and making the case for the GOP. Two weeks from now, the most important election in our lifetimes will be over and the RJC will know we did everything we could. As always, the outcome is in the voters’ hands. American Jewish voters must now do their part and cast those votes!

Democratic Former Congressman Peter Deutsch in the JTA - "The case for electing Donald Trump in 2024"

Voters weigh their values and priorities before casting their ballot for president. For me, achieving and maintaining peace in the world is the single most important issue to consider when choosing the president of the United States.


When we look at the last four years of the Harris-Biden administration versus the four years of President [Donald] Trump’s administration, there is no comparison. For the four years of Trump’s presidency we had peace, but the world is very different today.


...I have only voted for a Republican one time in my life, in 1980. I voted for Ronald Reagan when he ran against the incumbent Jimmy Carter, because Carter’s policies of weakness and appeasement were an existential threat to America, Israel and the world. I will cast my second vote for a Republican on Nov. 5, 2024, for very similar reasons.


There are many other policy issues that voters may consider when electing a president. I am personally more aligned with President Trump’s positions opposing illegal immigration and transgender students competing in high school girls’ sports. As a founder of Hebrew-language charter schools, I favor school choice, a Republican-aligned idea that Democrat Bill Clinton did as president. Our economy was thriving under President Trump. He implemented many ideas that "experts" said were crazy, but the fact is that his policies worked. President Trump also passed the bipartisan "First Step Act" regarding criminal justice reform that the "experts" said could never be passed (and Kamala Harris voted for that legislation).


Those are issues that matter to me. Other people may prioritize issues like abortion, health care or entitlement reform. Those are important national conversations for us to have. But I believe deeply that given the existential threats we face today, our security and our strength in the world are a prerequisite for those necessary conversations. When our economy is strong, when our military, intelligence and diplomatic advantages are clear, then our country, our allies and our values are secure. Under President Trump, we were much stronger and safer than we are today. We can’t afford four more years of weakness and rising threats.

Florida's Voice - "Rep. Fine campaigns for Trump in Philly: 'America will not be safe for Jews if Kamala Harris wins'"

[Florida State] Rep. Randy Fine, R-Palm Bay, campaigned for President Donald Trump in Philadelphia over the weekend with the Republican Jewish Coalition.


Fine, a Jewish Representative, has been a steadfast supporter of Trump and also received the former president’s endorsement for his campaign to the Florida Senate in November.


The RJC has been actively campaigning in battleground states ahead of the general election in November – from door knocking to phone banking and more.


"Look, if I were to lose my election, the world will continue to rotate on its axis, but if he loses his – we’re screwed, and so I’d rather spend my time helping him than even going and campaigning for myself," Fine told Florida’s Voice.


Fine emphasized that helping Trump in battleground states is more important to him and expressed confidence in winning Florida.


"Donald Trump has to win. For the safety of my family. He has to win. I believe that America will not be safe for Jews if Kamala Harris wins. I mean, she’s fully embraced Muslim terror," Fine said...

Recommended Viewing

Check out the Republican Jewish Coalition YouTube channel for:

Please share these videos, add your comments on the videos and, as always, please support our work!


Support President Trump via the RJC PAC Portal

With Donald Trump and JD Vance, we have a great team on the GOP ticket - the next President and Vice President of the United States!


Let's show them that the Jewish community is behind them all the way!

Please show your support by donating to the Trump-Vance campaign via the RJC PAC Portal. They will know that you are a member of the RJC and that you support their agenda of a more secure and more prosperous America, and a strong US-Israel alliance!



Congratulations, Linda! Thank you for your outstanding efforts to advance our Jewish voter outreach. Your work has a real impact!


We are proud to celebrate and thank this outstanding volunteer for contacting the most Jewish potential voters through our phone banking and door knocking programs.


Click here to sign up and join our efforts.

Click Here to Help Civilians and Soldiers in Israel

Short Takes

AP: Some Jewish voters in presidential swing states reconsider their longtime devotion to Democrats

Many Jewish voters say the 2024 presidential election is like no other in memory, coming amid the growing fallout from Hamas’ brutal attack on Israelis last year.


Jews represent a sliver of the voting-age population in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, the so-called blue wall of states that Democrats have come to rely on in recent presidential elections. In a close election, they are a big enough constituency that the campaigns of Harris and Trump see the potential for any slippage to swing a close contest.


...From Trump on down, Republicans are attempting to win over Jewish voters by highlighting a Democratic Party torn between its traditional and unconditional support for Israel and a growing faction that has accused Israel of war crimes in Gaza, called for Israel to unconditionally stop attacking Hamas, and demanded that the US end its military support for Israel.

Schanzer: How Israel got Its Mojo back

After a bruising yearlong war, amid a shocking spike in global anti-Zionism, the nation that had endured the darkest assault on Jews in nearly 80 years has seemingly regained its swagger. But to borrow from the rapper LL Cool J: Don’t call it a comeback. The capabilities Israel has demonstrated have been developing, secretly and ever more efficiently, for nearly two decades. This is not a return to form but the culmination of a painstaking intelligence and counterterrorist effort without parallel in world history.

Free Beacon: 'Deadly serious breach': classified US docs on Israel reach Iranian news entity, signaling Jewish state 'can't trust Washington'

The Biden-Harris administration is investigating a "deadly serious breach" of classified US intelligence detailing Israeli plans for a strike on Iran, the latest in a series of targeted leaks against Israel that has put America’s closest Middle East ally on edge, according to current and former US officials.


The explosive weekend release included top-secret Pentagon documents purporting to show Israel's preparations for a large-scale counterstrike on Iran. The two documents—compiled by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency over the past several weeks—expose how Israel is preparing for the attack, including the types of aircraft and munitions that are expected to be used.

Just the News: Democrats in tight Senate races run ads touting their work with Trump

Ads have been released that show four Democratic Senate candidates in battleground states either working with former President Donald Trump or agreeing with his messaging as the November election is less than a month away.


Campaign ads for Rep. Elissa Slotkin in Michigan, Sen. Sherrod Brown in Ohio, Sen. Bob Casey in Pennsylvania, and Sen. Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin focus on the Democratic candidates' alliance with Trump or his policies, implying that aligning with the former president may benefit their campaigns more than siding with Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.




The officers and staff of the Republican Jewish Coalition wish all of our members a happy holiday!

Watch your email box for the next edition of
"Notes from Norm."




Battleground States: Door Knocking

Join us for EVERY SUNDAY for door knocking and phone banking. Help us reach voters in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan, and Arizona!

More Info




GA: Volunteer Appreciation Event

Join us for door knocking and then a special volunteer appreciation event featuring Josh McKoon, GA GOP Chairman, and Randy Fine, FL State Representative.





MI: Rogers vs. Slotkin - Critical Issues Facing the US and Israel in 2024

Mark your calendar and join us in the Oakland County area for this in-person event with Mike Rogers, candidate for Senate in Michigan, and Sen. Lindsey Graham.




Contact information for our offices can be found on our website. Please visit us online for the latest RJC news, to see details of upcoming events, and to donate to the RJC. Read past editions of this newsletter here.

Republican Jewish Coalition
50 F Street, N.W., Suite 100 | Washington, DC 20001
202.638.6688 | [email protected]