Secretary of State Antony Blinken signs sanctions waivers on February 4, 2022.
Biden Hands Sanctions Relief to Iran
According to media reports, President Joe Biden believes that time is running out for reviving the dangerous and unworkable 2015 nuclear deal with Iran. So to “encourage” Iranian cooperation, the US handed Iran a package of concessions last Friday. The Biden administration announced that the US would ease certain sanctions on “non-military” parts of Iran’s nuclear program. The Iranian Foreign Ministry was predictably unimpressed, calling it a "good but insufficient" step.
The Times of Israel reports on what Biden promised:
According to a State Department notice cited by Reuters and the Haaretz daily, the clauses included permitting the modification of Iran’s Fordo facility to become a research center for the production of stable radioactive isotopes — used for medical purposes — with Russia.
Reports said Britain and China can now help Iran redesign its Arak heavy-water reactor to a light-water reactor. A light water reactor, like the one Iran has at Bushehr, is used to generate electricity.
As originally designed, the reactor at Arak could have produced substantial amounts of plutonium, material that can be used as the fissile core of a nuclear weapon.
The waiver also allows the Russian supply of nuclear fuel to the Tehran research reactor and Bushehr nuclear power plant, as well as the export of excess heavy water if Iran exceeds the 130 metric tons limit under the 2015 agreement.
Heavy water contains high concentrations of the hydrogen isotope deuterium and is used to produce plutonium, an alternative to uranium for manufacturing atomic weapons.
Lastly, the reports said the sanctions relief allows Iran to receive yellowcake from Russia, a precursor to enriched uranium. Yellowcake is produced by mining uranium ore from rocks and separating the uranium from the rocks by bathing them in acid. The yellowcake can then be converted, enriched to raise its purity, and then used for weapons or energy production.
The Trump administration had ended the so-called “civ-nuke” waivers in May 2020 as part of its “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran...
Further reading:
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
Republicans Warn Biden on Iran Deal
The Algemeiner reports:
A group of 33 Republican senators warned US President Joe Biden on Monday that they would work to thwart implementation of any new Iran nuclear agreement if his government did not allow Congress to review and vote on its terms.
Led by Senator Ted Cruz, a long-time opponent of the 2015 nuclear deal, the senators told Biden in a letter dated Monday that they would use “the full range of options and leverage available” to ensure that his government adhered to US laws governing any new accord with Iran.
… Cruz and other senior Republican senators told Biden that implementation of any new deal would be “severely, if not terminally hampered” if he did not meet statutory obligations aimed at ensuring congressional oversight over revisions or changes to the 2015 Iran nuclear accord.
… In addition, they noted that a 2015 law passed before completion of the initial nuclear deal requires that any new “agreement” related to Iran’s nuclear program to be transmitted to Congress for a 60-day review period during which Congress could pass a joint resolution of disapproval that would essentially prevent the deal from going into effect.
GOP Widens the Big Tent
Politico reports on House Republicans’ efforts to recruit candidates from diverse backgrounds:
House Republicans have laser-focused their recruitment efforts on candidates like [John] James, a Black West Point graduate-turned-businessman, who can transform the makeup of a party pilloried for its overwhelming roster of white men. Every Republican who flipped a Democratic House district in 2020 was a woman or person of color, and party leaders want to replicate that success on a larger scale.
…Broadly, there are more Republican women and Hispanics running for Congress than ever before, according to figures tracked by the National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee. So far, more than 253 women and 228 people of color have filed to run as Republicans across the House map, the committee says. In the most important seats, roughly two dozen open and battleground districts, a leading GOP candidate is either a woman or a person of color.
RJC Seeks CA Outreach Associate
The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) is seeking an Outreach Associate to assist with the accelerated growth of membership and to support programming and events in California. Candidates must be organized, motivated, and detail-oriented. This position is based in Los Angeles, CA.
For details about the position and how to apply, click here.
Moving backward
Shoshana Bryen writes that the United States has returned to its earlier position as a neutral party between Israel and the Palestinians. Instead, the US needs to be is an honest broker – and there is a big difference between the two.
There’s apartheid in the Holy Land, but not in Israel
Eugene Kontorovich argues that the real apartheid-like policies in the Holy Land are practiced by the Palestinians. He notes that there are no Jewish communities permitted in the areas under Palestinian control. A Palestinian who sells land to Jews is subject to the death penalty. And Jews cannot freely visit their holy sites in Palestinian areas. This is exactly the opposite of the reality in Israel.
America's annual price increase was worse than economists had forecast
The consumer price index rose 7.5% in the 12 months ending January, not adjusted for seasonal swings, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Thursday. It was the steepest annual price increase since February 1982 and worse than economists had forecast.
GA: "Job Interview" for US Senate Candidates in Georgia Live event in Sandy Springs.
AZ: Event with Representative David Schweikert Live event in Scottsdale.
FL: Event: Book Discussion with Ambassador David Friedman Live event in Davie.
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