
President Obama’s Circle of Friends

Wednesday, July 17, 2013
By: RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks

When President Obama came into office in 2009, he had big plans: close Gitmo, strengthen the economy, cut unemployment, make friends with the Muslim world, make peace in the Middle East, and bring about the day when “the rise of the oceans began to slow, and our planet began to heal…”

RJC Statement on Ron Dermer Being Named as Ambassador-Designate from Israel to the U.S.

Washington, D.C. - The Republican Jewish Coalition released a statement today in response to the announcement that Ron Dermer will be Israel's next Ambassador to the U.S, replacing current Ambassador Michael Oren.


RJC Statement on the Nomination of Samantha Power to be U.N. Ambassador

Washington, D.C. -- The Republican Jewish Coalition released a statement today in response to the announcement that President Obama intends to name Samantha Power as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

RJC Statement on the Passing of Sen. Frank Lautenberg

Washington, D.C. (June 3, 2013) -- The Republican Jewish Coalition notes the passing today of Sen. Frank Lautenberg.

RJC Applauds Florida Families First Budget

Governor Scott Signs into Law Historical, Cultural, and Business Items Important to Floridians and the Jewish Community

Boca Raton, FL  -- Today the Republican Jewish Coalition of Florida and Board of Directors member Ambassador Mel Sembler applauded Governor Rick Scott and the Florida Legislature for completing a budget that included initiatives important to Florida's Jewish community and all Floridians.

RJC Releases "Blueprint for Victory" Video

RJC's outreach in 2012 is a model for Republicans

Washington, D.C. -- The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) today released a video, made in cooperation with our creative partner, Jamestown Associates, that highlights the RJC's successful outreach effort in the Jewish community in 2012, how it was accomplished, and the insights it offers for Republican Party outreach to other "non-traditional Republican voters" in the future.

RJC: Kerry's Remarks Must Not Stand

Brooks: Unconscionable to equate IDF self-defense with terrorist murders

Washington, D.C. — The Republican Jewish Coalition strongly objected to Secretary of State John Kerry's remarks likening some Turks' anger over Israel's self-defense in the 2010 Mavi Marmara incident to Americans' outrage over last week's terrorist attack on innocent spectators at the Boston Marathon.

Republican Jewish Coalition Hires New Florida Director

Washington, D.C. -- The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC), the nation's only grassroots organization of Jewish Republicans, announced the hiring of Matthew Bogdanoff as the RJC's Florida regional director. Bogdanoff, a graduate of the Florida State University, comes to the RJC with extensive experience in political campaign management. Bogdanoff has worked on races including city commission, school board, the Florida House of Representatives, the Florida state Senate, and most recently the 2012 presidential campaign.

RJC Mourns Passing of Margaret Thatcher

Washington, D.C. - The Republican Jewish Coalition mourns the passing of Margaret Thatcher, one of the pivotal figures of the late 20th century fight against tyranny.

Happy Passover!

The officers and staff of the Republican Jewish Coalition wish you and your family a happy Passover, a chag kasher v'sameach.

All RJC offices will be closed on the first two days and the last two days of Passover, March 26-27 and April 1-2 . The RJC enewsletter will not be published on March 28.