Haley-Levin Town Hall

I’ll be back next week with my regular “Notes from Norm” about important House and Senate races, but today I want to encourage you to join us for the RJC Town Hall this Sunday night at 7:30 pm ET. You’ll hear Nikki Haley, Mark Levin, the RJC’s Matt Brooks, and me discuss the critical issues facing the Jewish community in 2020.

If you haven’t already registered, please do so now. If you have registered, thank you! Please continue sharing the registration link (https://www.rjchq.org/rsvp) with other folks you think should join in.
This is a conversation you won’t want to miss about foreign policy, domestic policy, and the critical political choices of 2020. Reserve your spot by registering today!


If you’d like to share your thoughts with me, please email me at [email protected]. Click here to see previous "Notes from Norm."