Alabama Senate Race: Tommy Tuberville
In previous messages in this space, I've told you about Senate races where the GOP is fighting to retain seats we currently hold. For a change of pace, let's examine a race where Republicans are on offense - the Alabama contest pitting Democrat Sen. Doug Jones against former Auburn University football coach Tommy Tuberville
Jones narrowly won a 2017 special election against one of the most ethically tarnished candidates in living memory. Now that he's bidding for a full term against a well-regarded Republican, Alabamans must decide whether they want a liberal Senator who sides with Chuck Schumer on important votes or a conservative Republican.
But Jones holds an advantage in one important area: money. As of the last mandatory disclosure, Jones had nearly $9 million in his campaign account, while Tuberville, who had to fight through both a competitive primary and a run-off against a well-funded opponent, had just $551,000. In recent days, Jones has begun airing television ads attacking Tuberville over his financial dealings.
On issues of special concern to Jewish Americans, Jones has not stood out. Tuberville, on the other hand, vows that he will be "all in with Israel." With control of the Senate depending on flipping this seat from Blue to Red, we need to be "all in" for Tommy Tuberville.
The RJC PAC has endorsed Tommy Tuberville. You can help him win by clicking here to support his campaign.
Please watch this space for more in-depth analysis on individual races in the critical 2020 elections. If you’d like to share your thoughts with me on any of these races, please email me at [email protected]. Click here to see previous "Notes from Norm."