The Battle for the Senate

Welcome to the overtime stage of the 2020 elections. The presidential election is still not finished. We know that Democrats will retain the House of Representatives - albeit with a significantly narrowed majority. But the battle for the Senate will only be settled on January 5, 2021 when Georgia holds two run-off elections.

If GOP Senator David Perdue defeats Democrat Jon Ossoffand Senator Kelly Loeffler defeats Democrat Raphael Warnock, the GOP will maintain control of the Senate. If Ossoff and Warnock win, Democrats could be in a position to control all three elected branches and advance harmful legislation.

Since I started sharing these Notes from Norm in June, my focus has been on the vital importance of holding the Senate as a bulwark against the increasingly radical Washington Democrats. The good news is that Chuck Schumer and company failed in most of their efforts: Susan Collins won convincingly in Maine, Thom Tillis prevailed in North Carolina, and Joni Ernst came through in Iowa. Now all of us must mobilize to help Senators Perdue and Loeffler secure the 51st and 52nd seat and lock in our majority.

I know we'll rise to the challenge. RJC members have come through in a big way. Just through our PAC's web site, we raised millions for the President and our endorsed House and Senate candidates. We were the single largest source of support for Senator Lindsey Graham. Once again, we showed that the Republican Jewish Coalition punches above its weight.

So far, RJC-endorsed candidates prevailed in 8 of 11 Senate races and 32 of 49 House races (with 7 races still uncalled). In most of those races, J Street had endorsed the Democrat candidates that our endorsed candidates defeated. Having pro-Israel Republicans in those seats will make a real difference. I am so proud of what we've accomplished, and I look forward to building on those successes in Georgia and beyond.


Donate to Perdue and Loeffler’s runoff campaigns here.