$5 Million RJC Ad Buy Begins
"Buyer's Remorse" Message Launched in FL, OH, NV, and PA
Washington, D.C. (September 19, 2012) -- The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) today announced the release of the first in a series of television ads in targeted swing states. The ads will appear on broadcast and cable television in South Florida (Miami, Broward, and Palm Beach County markets), Ohio (Cleveland), Nevada (Las Vegas), and Pennsylvania (Philadelphia). The $5 million ad buy begins on September 19 and will continue through November 5.
Entitled "Michael," the ad is a shortened version of a previously-released web ad that the Washington Post called "very effective."
The RJC ads will showcase the real stories of real people such as Michael Goldstein, a life-long Jewish Democrat from New Jersey who supported Barack Obama in 2008 but won't vote for him in 2012 because of his disappointment in the President's handling of relations with Israel and his failed economic policies.
RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks said, "This ad highlights the 'buyer's remorse' felt by many in the Jewish community, who voted for Obama four years ago, but are now disillusioned with his economic policies and his policies toward Israel. These ads, and the stories of the people in them, give voice to the nagging doubts that many Jewish voters feel about President Obama. To underscore that point, numerous polls have shown an erosion in Jewish support for the President."
The ads will appear on broadcast and cable television in South Florida (Miami, Broward, and Palm Beach County markets), Ohio (Cleveland), Nevada (Las Vegas), and Pennsylvania (Philadelphia). The $5 million ad buy begins on September 19 and will continue through November 5.
See the new ad here.