Democrat Senate Candidates Remain Silent On Iran Ransom
Washington, D.C. – It has been a full week since the Obama Administration confirmed its $400 million payment to Iran was dependent on freeing American hostages, and Democrats across the country have kept their heads in the sand. Voters deserve to know whether they support this ransom payment, as well as - knowing what we know now - the Iran nuclear deal.
If Democrat Senate candidates think voters aren’t paying attention, they’re in for a rude awakening. Here is what they are saying in the states:
Columbus Dispatch Editorial: Ransom Is In Eye Of The Beholder
- “So don’t be surprised if the mullahs press their new demands — and take still more Americans prisoner.”
“The timing of the payment prompted senior Justice Department officials to object, according to the Journal. “People knew what it was going to look like, and there was concern the Iranians probably did consider it a ransom payment,” one official told the paper. That’s exactly how senior Iranian defense officials have reportedly described it publicly since then… Iran has taken yet more Americans captive in recent months and demanded the release of another $2 billion. The new victims include Reza “Robin” Shahini, of San Diego, who went to Iran to visit his ailing mother. On July 11, he was arrested on suspicion of crimes against Iran, The Washington Post reported. Two other U.S. citizens and several dual nationals from Britain, Canada and France also are being held, the paper says. So don’t be surprised if the mullahs press their new demands — and take still more Americans prisoner.”
Associated Press: McGinty Criticizes Ransoms, But Not US' Payment To Iran
- “She's not criticizing the Obama administration's $400 million cash delivery to Iran seven months ago.”
“Katie McGinty, Pennsylvania's Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, says the United States should never pay ransoms for prisoners, but she's not criticizing the Obama administration's $400 million cash delivery to Iran seven months ago.
McGinty said Friday that she expects "further facts" will come out about the payment and she still stands by President Barack Obama's nuclear accord with Iran. Republican incumbent Pat Toomey opposes the Iran nuclear deal and has been critical of the payment to Iran… The Obama administration says the payment was contingent on the release of American prisoners…”
Union Leader Editorial: Hassan Wrong On Iran: Empty Foreign Policy Promises
- “By standing up for a crumbling Iran deal, Hassan shows that her tough talk on national security is just empty bluster.”
“Maggie Hassan seems to think that the best way to keep Iran from developing a nuclear weapon is to give them planeloads full of cash, do nothing as they test ballistic missiles, and let them inspect their own nuclear facilities. Hassan was an early supporter of the Obama administration’s lousy Iran deal, and she’s sticking by it despite mounting evidence that Iran has played America for a fool… Hassan hasn’t said a word publicly about the State Department’s payoff, coincidentally held up until Iran released four American prisoners. By standing up for a crumbling Iran deal, Hassan shows that her tough talk on national security is just empty bluster.”
Sunshine State News: You Bet It's Scandalous: We Paid Iran a $400 Million Ransom for Prisoners
- "A precedent-setting, secret, entirely illegal recall of U.S. policy."
“As Iran was releasing the four American hostages they were holding, the president's team was sending $400 million to the Iranians. It was a hostage payment in direct opposition to U.S. policy and it is an invitation to more hostage taking. A precedent-setting, secret, entirely illegal recall of U.S. policy. It seems to me Obama administration officials have given Americans who fear the Iran nuclear agreement even more reason to fear it...”