Please join us for a discussion with
Shoshana Bryen, Senior Director for the Jewish Policy Center

"Iran's Regional Policies: Nuclear and Conventional, Both Dangerous"
For more information on Shoshana Bryen, please click here
Doors Open @ 11:45am / Program @ 12:15pm
This event is in-person and open to all RJC Leaders and Members in good standing, and their invited guests.
There is no charge to current RJC Leaders and Members / $36 per-person for RJC eTeam and guests
When RSVP'ing, please remember to include the names of those in your party.
RSVP is required and space is limited.
These in-person only events are off the record and closed to the press. No video or audio recording will be permitted.
We look forward to seeing you there!
January 10, 2022 at 11:45am - 1:15pm