Mark Penn, former White House pollster for President Bill Clinton, will join the Republican Jewish Coalition for a virtual webinar titled "American Voter Sentiment on Israel-Hamas" to share his insights into how this critical issue may affect the 2024 election.
Wednesday, October 23
12:00pm ET | 11:00am CT | 9:00am PT
This will be a virtual event. There is NO COST to participate but RSVP IS REQUIRED by completing the form on this page and clicking "Send RSVP." Open to all RJC members and friends.
More about Mark Penn. His career spans 40 years in market research, advertising, public relations, polling, and consulting.
For six years, Penn served as White House Pollster to President Bill Clinton and was chief strategist of his 1996 re-election campaign and developed the concept behind “Soccer Moms."
October 23, 2024 at 12:00pm - 1pm