Please join RJC Reno/Northern Nevada members and friends for an update on the RJC’s efforts to fire Jackie Rosen and President Biden.

Hear from the RJC’s Political Engagement Representative for Nevada, Alan Hedrick.
Alan will talk about the upcoming elections and opportunities for RJC members to volunteer
and make a difference in key races in NV.
You will also meet and network with like-minded Jewish Republicans!
Now is the time to get involved and be part of the RJC action in Nevada!
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
5:00pm - Registration & Schmooze
5:30pm - Program
Reno, NV 89511
Address upon RSVP.
No Cost to Attend. RSVP is required.
Questions? Please contact Alan at
[email protected] or (702) 941-1043
September 13, 2023 at 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Alan Hedrick
· (702) 941-1043