Republican Jewish Coalition Urges Prompt Passage of Israel Security Assistance Bill
The Republican Jewish Coalition reaffirms its support for the United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act (HR 5141/S. 2497) and strongly encourages the U.S. Senate to complete action on the bill during this year’s session.
Maintaining and strengthening the alliance between the U.S. and Israel is a vital national priority. The bipartisan US-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act ensures that the alliance will continue on the strongest possible basis by codifying into law the 2016 Memorandum of Understanding on security assistance between the two nations and providing for expanded cooperation in the use of cutting-edge technologies in the years ahead.
Now that the House of Representatives has taken final action to approve this vital legislation, all that remains is for the Senate – which has already passed the bill once – to pass the final version and send it to the President for his signature.
It is imperative that the hard work that got the bill this far not be squandered. Accordingly, the Republican Jewish Coalition urges the Senate to pass the United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act as soon as possible.