RJC Announces Voter Registration Drive, Absentee Ballot Program, and Advocacy Initiative in Israel
To Help American Citizens in Israel Exercise Their Right to Vote in the U.S. Election
Washington, D.C. (July 2, 2012) -- The Republican Jewish Coalition announced today that RJC Board of Directors member and former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer and RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks will travel to Israel the week of July 9-13 to engage with American citizens living in Israel as part of a voter registration drive, absentee ballot program, and advocacy initiative.
This effort will be comprehensive in scope and will include media events, town hall meetings with U.S. citizens living abroad, and meetings with leading bloggers and social media activists on Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms who are expert in communicating directly with potential voters.
The RJC is very excited about this first-time project. The RJC is supporting the efforts of iVoteIsrael (ivoteisrael.com) and Republicans Abroad Israel (www.republicansabroad.org.il/).
RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks said, "With so many critical issues before us and so much at stake, it is important that every American citizen participate in this election. Americans living abroad are deeply concerned about America's growing debt burden, about jobs and health care, and about foreign policy issues that affect America's international standing. We're very excited to help Americans living in Israel to exercise their right to vote in the U.S. election this year."
According to recent estimates, there are approximately 150,000 Americans living in Israel who are eligible to vote in the November presidential election. A significant percentage of these voters are registered in the battleground states of Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. The number of Americans from these battleground states might be enough to tip the scales in 2012.
"I'm proud to be part of this advocacy initiative," said Fleischer. "As Republicans, we have a point of view to share with the American community in Israel and I look forward to sharing it. It's a long flight, but when you think about Israel being home to 150,000 American voters, it's also the equivalent of visiting Dayton, Ohio or Ft. Lauderdale, FL to get out the message. In this election, every vote is going to be important."