RJC Celebrates Major Victory in TX-23
Washington, DC – Republican Jewish Coalition National Chairman Senator Norm Coleman and CEO Matt Brooks released the following statement in response to Congressman Tony Gonzales’ (TX-23) victory in the Republican primary election:
The Republican Jewish Coalition has been crystal clear: if you stand against the Jewish community, if you stand against America’s strategic ally Israel, we will work to defeat you.
Republican primary voters in TX-23 backed Congressman Tony Gonzales and rejected goose-stepping extremist Brandon Herrera. We are proud and gratified to have played a significant role in helping Congressman Gonzales defeat his challenger and we look forward to continuing to work with him in Congress.
Taking a broader view, we are heartened by our record of success in recent primary elections. Our efforts ended anti-Israel former Rep. John Hostettler’s comeback bid in IN-08. And the RJC has defeated non-mainstream candidates in three straight primary elections: WV-01, NE-02, and now TX-23. We are increasingly confident that next month, VA-5 voters will fire Rep. Bob Good - an incumbent who voted against Israel when it counted most - and instead, nominate reliably pro-Israel RJC-endorsed conservative John McGuire.