RJC Condemns Sen. Liz Warren’s “Occupation” Comment
The Republican Jewish Coalition today condemned comments by Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who told anti-Israel activists that she would push to end the Israeli government’s “occupation” over the Palestinians.
RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks said:
Sen. Warren has aligned herself with the rapidly-growing leftwing, anti-Israel base of her party. Her comments quoted yesterday may have helped solidify her “progressive” credentials for that base, but at the expense of our ally Israel and the prospects for a negotiated peace between Israel and the Palestinians. The United States’ role in the Israel/Palestinian conflict is to be an honest broker, not to condemn the only democracy in the Middle East. Peace can only be achieved by a negotiation between the two parties, not through US pressure on Israel.
Her comments will not win her points with voters who support a strong and secure Israel and a stable Middle East.