RJC Statement on State Dept. Change Re: US Citizens Born in Jerusalem
Washington, DC – The Republican Jewish Coalition made the following statement in response to the Trump administration changing the policy on how Americans born in Jerusalem can list their place of birth on their US passport:
We thank President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for this meaningful change in policy, allowing American citizens born in Jerusalem to list Israel as the country of their birth. We also thank US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman for his efforts on this issue.
This change is consistent with President Trump’s Israel policies, including formally recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. It is also in keeping with the Supreme Court’s 2015 ruling that the President is empowered to decide on the recognition of foreign nations, and therefore on what is written in US passports.
American Jews as well as American Christians and Muslims who were born in Jerusalem can now carry passports that demonstrate the immutable connection between Jerusalem and Israel. President Trump is once again coming through for American Jews. This is just one more reason the American Jewish community should be casting their votes for President Donald J. Trump.