Wallace Attacks RJC Ad in PA
The Republican Jewish Coalition responded today to Scott Wallace’s attack on the RJC's television ad in Pennsylvania's first district. RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks said:
Politics is politics, but facts are facts. While Scott Wallace would like to have people believe otherwise, voting records show he has never voted in Pennsylvania. Rather, he has lived in South Africa and Maryland for most of his adult life.
It’s fine to say that you’re pro-Israel, but the fact is that the leading Jewish Democrat organization in Pennsylvania refused to endorse Wallace because of his views. He touts his family foundation, but the foundation gave $300,000 to organizations that are aligned with terrorists and anti-Semites and that support the BDS movement. His foundation supports groups that delegitimize Israel and undermine her security – that’s not pro-Israel. Wallace claims that special interests are attacking him, but the U.S.-Israel relationship is not a “special interest,” it is a valued alliance that enhances U.S. security.
Wallace supported the Iran nuclear deal, which rewarded Iran with billions of dollars and paved the way for Iran to acquire nuclear weapons in just a few years.
Facts are facts and they clearly don’t support Scott Wallace’s latest attacks. The people of Bucks and Montgomery Counties will see through them.
Click here or on the image below to see the RJC ad.